13. Affiliation Agreements

Note from the University Governance: The Post-Secondary Learning Act gives General Faculties Council (GFC) responsibility, subject to the authority of the Board of Governors, over "academic affairs" (section 26(1)). Section 26(1)(o) provides that GFC may make recommendations to the Board of Governors on a number of matters, including the "affiliation with other institutions." GFC has thus enacted a policy concerning Affiliation Agreements, as set out below.

The complete wording of the section(s) of the Post-Secondary Learning Act, as referred to above, and any other related sections, should be checked in any instance where formal jurisdiction or delegation needs to be determined.


Please note as of June 27, 2002, North American Baptist College was renamed Taylor University College and Seminary.

The institution with which the 海角社区 is currently affiliated is Taylor University College and Seminary (Edmonton, Alberta).

13.1 Legislation Re: Affiliation With and Degree Granting by Post-Secondary Institutions

Post-Secondary Learning Act

60(1) The board of a public post-secondary institution shall

(a) manage and operate the public post-secondary institution in accordance with its mandate,

(b) develop, manage and operate, alone or in co-operation with any person or organization, programs, services and facilities for the educational or cultural advancement of the people of Alberta,...

13.2 Recommendations of the Senate Task Force Report on Entrance Requirements

Initiatives for affiliation and description of affiliation conditions should emanate from the colleges, institutes and the universities rather than the Department of Advanced Education.

Encouragement should be given to colleges and institutions that wish to explore possibilities for admission and transfer programs where they do not already exist.

13.3 海角社区 Policy

13.3.1 Principles

The 海角社区 shall continue its long history of affiliation agreements with private colleges within the boundaries of existing resources.

Because the educational milieu in Alberta has changed significantly with regard to the facilitation of transfer between the 海角社区 and private colleges, as evidenced by:

  • the establishment and functioning of the Private Colleges Accreditation Board; and
  • the achievement of degree-granting status of Camrose Lutheran University College, Concordia College, King's College and the provisional approval of Canadian Union College for this status; and
  • the continuing development and effective functioning of the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer and the Alberta Transfer Guide;

the following principles shall apply to affiliation with the 海角社区:

  1. Affiliation shall continue to provide one option by which the 海角社区 can cooperate with any other institution, body, or person for the establishment and provision of programs, services, and facilities to contribute to the educational and cultural advancement of the people of Alberta [Post-Secondary Learning Act 26(1)(o) and 60(1)(b)].
  2. The 海角社区 shall enter into a new or renewed affiliation agreement only if the agreement:
    1. facilitates the achievement of the goals and missions of both the 海角社区 and the requesting college;
    2. meets a demonstrated need for such an agreement (normally this shall mean that an average of at least ten students per year in a three-year period have applied to the 海角社区 for admission with advanced standing);
    3. demonstrates achievement of established academic, administrative, financial, facilities, and support criteria;
    4. does not result in costs to the 海角社区.
  3. All costs for review of a new or renewal proposal for affiliation by the requesting college shall be borne by that institution. This shall include costs for site visits, meetings, reports and legal services.
  4. Once a private college has achieved degree-granting status, the affiliation agreement will cease although normal transfer procedures will continue.

13.3.2 Procedures

New affiliation agreements and major modifications of existing affiliation agreements shall be established by the Board of Governors upon recommendation by General Faculties Council.

Requests for new and renewed affiliation agreements shall be initiated by the institution requesting affiliation and shall be made to the 海角社区's Provost and Vice-President (Academic).

Should the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) decide to proceed with a full review, the following steps shall occur:

  1. Establishment of an affiliation review team composed as follows:
    3 members: the Associate Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (Chair) and two (2) members of the academic staff from Faculties representing areas which would be involved in the affiliation (recommended by the Deans of the respective Faculties).

    Universities Coordinating Council (UCC)
    1 member appointed by the UCC (at the option of the requesting institution).

    Requesting College
    Resource persons appointed by and from the requesting college.

  2. Initial meeting to gather information.
  3. On-site visits by the affiliation review team and three to five 海角社区 faculty members who are not members of the affiliation review team.
  4. Review of materials and reports by site visitors.
  5. Recommendation by the affiliation review team to:
    • the GFC Academic Standards Committee
    • the General Faculties Council
    • the Boards of Governors of the 海角社区 and the requesting college.
  6. Preparation of legal affiliation agreements and documents.


Proposals for modifications of existing affiliation arrangements may also be put forward by ASC as an outgrowth of its monitoring of the implementation of existing affiliation agreements. Such proposals shall be discussed with college representatives, as in 13.3.5 below, and thereafter, if they represent proposals for major modifications, follow the steps outlined in 13.3.2 above.


Provisions shall be made for periodic monitoring, and for a thorough assessment from time to time, of the implementation of all affiliation agreements, including those now extant. Such monitoring will be concerned with examination of the several courses, facilities, instructors, procedures, and the like, with the aim of ensuring that standards acceptable to the University are maintained in courses offered for University transfer by the college.

A thorough assessment, as above, shall be undertaken five years after initiation of a new affiliation agreement, and thereafter at ten year intervals, or sooner at the behest of either the College or the University (ASC).


Any proposals for change growing out of the above monitoring process shall be discussed between appropriate representatives of the College and the University, and resolved by negotiation if possible. If any substantive differences remain unresolved by negotiation, the party(ies) requiring resolution shall give notice requesting an Evaluation Committee, constituted and mandated as described in the legal Affiliation Agreement.

See also Section 11.5, Transfer to the 海角社区.

13.4 Canadian Union College, Concordia College, King's College

Policies concerning past affiliations with Canadian Union College, Concordia College, and King's College are contained in the 1995 GFC Policy Manual.

13.5 Taylor University College and Seminary


Please note as of June 27, 2002, North American Baptist College was renamed Taylor University College and Seminary.

Note: GFC approved an initial affiliation with North American Baptist College in 1988. Policies concerning past affiliations with NABC are contained in the 1990 and 1995 GFC Policy Manuals.

At its meeting of June 17, 1996, GFC endorsed the following motion:

That the Board of Governors approve, as recommended by the Educational Affairs Committee, the recommendations of the North American Baptist College (NABC) Affiliation Agreement Review committee, as contained in the Committee's Report, with particular attention to the recommendation that the affiliation agreement between North American Baptist College and the 海角社区 be extended for a further ten years. Prior to the expiration of this agreement [on June 30, 2006], the two parties should assess whether a further renewal of the agreement is desirable. (BG 27 JUN 1996)

NOTE FROM THE UNIVERSITY SECRETARIAT: A copy of the NABC Affiliation Agreement Review Committee's Report is available from the University Governance.

(BG 27 JUN 1996)
(GFC 03 APR 1995)
(EXEC 04 MAR 1991)
(GFC 28 JAN 1980)
(GFC 21 JAN 1974)