Recent Posts
Dr. Ensslin and K. Gordon at Open Minds Celebration of Research
Click here to watch Dr. Ensslin and Gordon individual talks at Open Minds Celebration of Research
MLCS Graduate Student Council Bake Sale
Today December 5, 2018 is the MLCS Graduate Student Council Bake Sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Edmonton's literary champion Ted Blodgett passes away
"Ted inspired generations of students to love literature and poetry"
If you would like to know more about Comics, listen to our Associate Professor Chris Reyns being interviewed by Radio Canada International.
Check out this publication translated by Tom Priestly, MLCS Professor Emeritus
Russell Cobb produced an episode of the This American Life that was adapted into a movie by Netflix
Meet Dr. Natalie Van Deusen
Meet Dr. Natalie Van Deusen awarded the 2018 Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
16th Annual St. Jerome's Day Conference
Thank you to everyone who attended the Conference
Congratulations to Dr. Nedashkivska, recipient of the 2018 Hetman Award
An award that was initiated in 1998 by the UCC- Alberta Provincial Council to acknowledge leadership and significant volunteer achievements of outstanding Ukrainian Albertans.
"Embroidered Memories" Exhibit was officially unveiled in Winnipeg
"Embroidered Memories" exhibit curated by Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn (PhD student in Media & Cultural Studies) was officially unveiled at Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre in Winnipeg.
Please check this great article by J茅r茅mie Pelletier-Gagnon and Axel P茅rez Trujillo Diniz (MLCS graduate students)
Dr Ensslin awarded SSHRC Insight Grant
Dr. Astrid Ensslin has received a SSHR Insight Grant with the tittle "Writing New Bodies: Critical Co-design for 21st Century Digital-born Bibliotherapy" (2018-2020)
Congratulations to our MLCS students graduating this afternoon
A special day for our wonderful students graduating this afternoon!
New Director of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos
Congratulations to Odile Cisneros the new director of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hisp谩nicos