Recent Posts
Part I: International Education Week in the Faculty of Arts
Going Abroad with Carrie Smith
Multilingual Matters published a post about the themes covered in Dr. Dailey-O'Cain most recent publication "Multilingualism, (Im)mobilities and Spaces of Belonging"
Dr. Cisneros' essay "Can Literature Save the Planet: Lessons from Latin America." was published on MLA latest volume Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment: Theory, Curricula, Institutional Structures. This publication is from the prestigious MLA series Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Dr. Cisneros' essay originated in her course SPAN 323: Latin American Literature and the Environment.
The Waste Aid Handbook is now available in Spanish thanks to Odile Cisneros, MLCS Associate Professor, and her team of students from Spanish 406 class.
Ashley Halko-Addley's article was published on the East/West Journal of Ukrainian Studies. Ashley has an MA in Media and Cultural Studies and her article is based on her MA project. Please check it out.
Congratulations Dr. Rao recipient of the 2019 SALUTE Award
Dr. Sathya Rao, MLCS Associate Professor, was awarded the 2019 SALUTE Award
Congratulations to Iman Mersal, Whose poem, The Slave Trade, will be published in the October 24 edition of the New York Review of Books.
Larisa Sembaliuk Chedalyn is a PhD student in Media and Cultural Studies (MLCS) and her article "Forgotten immigrant voices: the early Ukrainian Canadian comics of Jacob Maydanyk" was published on Graphic Novels and Comics Journal.
The International Week of the Deaf (IWDeaf) is celebrated annually by the global Deaf Community on the last full week of September to commemorate the same month the first World Congress of the WFD was held. This year the theme is Sign Language Rights for All! (Sept 23 - 29, 2019)
Dr Beard awarded SSHRC Insight Grant
Dr. Beard has received a SSHRC Insight Development Grant with the title: "Wanted: A Life Narrative in Deadwood." Congratulations Dr. Beard on receiving external funding for your research.
Dr. Van Deusen's expertise is feature in this article.
Small Screen Fictions (a special issue of Paradoxa) won the 2nd prize of the 2019 N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature at the annual conference of the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO), held in this year in Cork, Ireland. Congratulations to Dr. Ensslin for this recognition.
Dr. Dehnavi earned a PhD in Comparative Literature with us and we could not be more proud of her! She is now the new Executive Director for the Centre for Race and Culture.
Convocation Story Niabi Kapoor
Convocation '19: A Passion for Learning for Niabi Kapoor, earning a degree is more than just academics; it's about trying new things
Don't miss Safaneh Mohaghegh Neyshabouri on CBC Radio One's Ideas from the Trenches
Safaneh Mohaghegh Neyshabouri is a PhD student in Comparative Literature (MLCS) and her research on Iranian women's history is the subject of tonight episode of CBC Radio One's Ideas from the Trenches.
How Barbecue Evolved
Open-flame grilling associated with American culture has a far more complex history, says Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Associate Professor Russell Cobb
Students from the Ukrainian Bilingual program visit the UofA
Very talented Grade 6 students from the Ukrainian bilingual program at A. L. Horton Elementary in Vegreville also performed "Malanka" and a number of Ukrainian songs for all of our students from UKR 212 and UKR 308. This event was co- sponsored by Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies and Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC)
Biased terror coverage? Researcher analyses New Zealand aftermath
Houssem Ben Lazreg, our PhD student in Translation Studies, was interviewed by City News .
Congratulations to Richard Feddersen and Asma M'Barek
Congratulations to Richard Feddersen and Asma M'Barek recipients of the FGSR Graduate Student Teaching Award.
Folio interview with our own Jay Friesen, where he discusses his research on comedy, multiculturalism, and Little Mosque on the Prairie.
We have made radical revisions to our graduate and undergraduate programs to better reflect student demands for professionalization, experiential learning, self-direction, and cross-cultural interdisciplinarity. If you're interested in this process, check out a collaborative article written by MLCS professors Carrie Smith, Laura Beard, Claudia Kost, Vicky Ruetalo, and Micah True.