Informal Appeal

Detailed Criteria

Found in under Grievances Concerning Grades; Faculty of Nursing Appeal Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Programs Section 6

Matters regarding a student's academic status, including course grades, may become the subject of an appeal. Students with such problems should first consult the instructor of the course concerned and the course coordinator, if necessary. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student can submit an informal appeal application to the Associate Dean (or designate), Undergraduate Programs to apply.

  1. Undergraduate students who would like to request an Informal Appeal can do so on the following grounds:
    1. Errors in calculation;
    2. Procedural errors on the part of the Faculty of Nursing;
    3. Failure of the Faculty of Nursing to consider all factors relevant to the decision being appealed;
    4. Bias or discrimination against the student on the part of the Faculty of Nursing.
  2. Undergraduate students can use the Informal Appeal application to appeal decisions relating to:
    1. Graduation/Degree classification
    2. Requirement to withdraw from a program in the Faculty of Nursing
    3. Probation or Condition(s) requirements for continuation in a program
  3. Informal Appeal deadlines:
    1. The request must be received by the Associate Dean within fifteen (15) working days of the deemed delivery of decision. Appeals that are not submitted in full by the deadline will not be considered.
  4. The Informal Appeal must be approved or denied, and the decision letter sent to the student within 10 working days of the date of the receipt of the appeal, except in unusual circumstances.

NOTICE: Some Academic Standing decisions will automatically be considered by the Faculty of Nursing Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs (or designate) and therefore do not go through the informal appeal application process - They instead go straight to a Formal Appeal.

These include:

  • Practicum Intervention
  • Code of Student Behaviour