Reexamination Request

Detailed Criteria

Located in the  under reexaminations.

  1. Undergraduate students who have written and submitted a final examination may provided the following conditions are met:
    1. The course was failed
    2. The final examination is 40 percent or greater, as originally scheduled for the class as a whole
    3. For a Fall Term course, the student achieved a Term Grade Point Average of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course. For Winter Term and Fall/Winter courses, a Fall/Winter PRA of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course.
    4. Students are advised that it may not be possible to make a ruling until all grades for a term or two-term period are recorded. Students for whom a term GPA cannot be computed until the end of the Fall Term will have to wait for the computation of a GPA following the Winter Term. In this case, the Application for Re-examination form should be left with the Faculty office for a later ruling.
  2. Reexaminations are not permitted:
    1. for students who were granted a deferred final examination in accordance with the Absence from Final Exams but did not write
    2. for students who have failed the clinical/laboratory component of a Nursing course
    3. for students repeating a year.
  3. Reexamination mark: The mark received for the reexamination replaces the original final examination mark and is used in computing the final grade in the course.
  4. Weight of reexamination: The percentage of the final grade allotted to the reexamination shall be the same as the percentage of the final grade allotted to the student's final examination in the course.
  5. The number of reexaminations that may be granted: Reexamination may be granted in one course only, regardless of the units of course weight, in a Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer period. Reexaminations may be granted in courses to a total of ★12 while the student is enrolled in a Faculty
  6. Reexamination deadlines:
    • Fall Term Courses
      • Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results
      • Exam to be held by: End of Reading Week
    • Winter Term and Fall/Winter Term Courses:
      • Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results.
      • Exam to be held by: June 30
    • Spring/Summer Courses
      • Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results.
      • Exam to be held by: August 31