Reexamination Request
Detailed Criteria
Located in the under reexaminations.
- Undergraduate students who have written and submitted a final examination may provided the following conditions are met:
- The course was failed
- The final examination is 40 percent or greater, as originally scheduled for the class as a whole
- For a Fall Term course, the student achieved a Term Grade Point Average of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course. For Winter Term and Fall/Winter courses, a Fall/Winter PRA of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course.
- Students are advised that it may not be possible to make a ruling until all grades for a term or two-term period are recorded. Students for whom a term GPA cannot be computed until the end of the Fall Term will have to wait for the computation of a GPA following the Winter Term. In this case, the Application for Re-examination form should be left with the Faculty office for a later ruling.
- Reexaminations are not permitted:
- for students who were granted a deferred final examination in accordance with the Absence from Final Exams but did not write
- for students who have failed the clinical/laboratory component of a Nursing course
- for students repeating a year.
- Reexamination mark: The mark received for the reexamination replaces the original final examination mark and is used in computing the final grade in the course.
- Weight of reexamination: The percentage of the final grade allotted to the reexamination shall be the same as the percentage of the final grade allotted to the student's final examination in the course.
- The number of reexaminations that may be granted: Reexamination may be granted in one course only, regardless of the units of course weight, in a Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer period. Reexaminations may be granted in courses to a total of ★12 while the student is enrolled in a Faculty
- Reexamination deadlines:
- Fall Term Courses
- Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results
- Exam to be held by: End of Reading Week
- Winter Term and Fall/Winter Term Courses:
- Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results.
- Exam to be held by: June 30
- Spring/Summer Courses
- Apply: Within 10 days of the posting of the results.
- Exam to be held by: August 31
- Fall Term Courses