Graduate Embedded Certificate in Climate Change and Health


Climate change has already impacted human health globally, and future projections indicate increasingly widespread and devastating impacts this century. While climate change impacts everyone, the magnitude and severity of impacts are not equitably distributed. Climate change acts as a "threat multiplier", putting pressure on vulnerable systems, populations and regions – and therefore exacerbating many existing global health challenges and crises. 

This Graduate Embedded Certificate in Climate Change and Health responds to global calls for emergency action to limit global temperature increases and protect health. The graduate embedded certificate aims to complement and expand on the education of graduate students with an interest in public health and/or the human dimensions of climate change impacts and responses. It is ideal for students who want to gain knowledge and understanding about how climate change shapes environmental health inequities and environmental justice, and intersects with Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, and to enhance skills in transdisciplinary approaches, systems thinking, and knowledge-to-action gained in other courses.

Graduates of this graduate embedded certificate will be prepared for careers in complex environmental health practice or research. The knowledge and skills acquired in this program will be useful in all levels of government and government agencies (e.g., risk assessors, policy analysts, emergency planners), in non-governmental organizations in local or international settings (e.g., program evaluators, health promoters, climate advocacy), or in the private sector (e.g., environmental consultants, climate change and vulnerability assessments, project managers). The action-oriented focus of the graduate embedded certificate positions graduates to effectively apply their knowledge to consider climate change as central to all health programs, policies, practice and research. The transdisciplinary nature of the program equips students for employment inside or outside of the health sector.


The Graduate Embedded Certificate (GEC) in Climate Change and Health comprises 12 units - seven units are  required and five units are approved electives 

Required Courses: 

SPH 556 — Climate Change and Human Health

SPH 557 — Hot Topics in Climate Change and Health

SPH 558 — Climate Change & Health Integrative Project

Approved Elective Courses *5 

This climate-health GEC has many synergies with existing and anticipated courses in SPH and beyond. Therefore, pre-approved elective courses include many existing SPH courses and some courses in other faculties. Additional courses can be approved as GEC electives, with permission of the GEC coordinator. The list of approved elective courses can be found here.  

Application process and deadline

If you are interested in applying to the Graduate Embedded Certificate in Climate Change and Health program, please complete the application form no later than September 30 of your second year. If you are studying part time, your application must be submitted at completion of (*12) of study.

Contact Educational Programs

P: 780-492-8211
F: 780-492-0364