Graduate Embedded Certificate in Global Health Equity


General Information

Global Health (GH) has been defined as: "an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide." Global health is an established field, with a central role for actors within low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), including those based in government, academic institutions and local NGOs. There is also an important role for global and regional entities, including WHO, UNICEF, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and consulting agencies and funding agencies (notably World Bank and regional development banks, bilateral agencies such as USAID, philanthropies and global-level funding mechanisms such as the Global Fund and GAVI).

This Graduate Embedded Certificate (GEC) in Global Health Equity is intended to equip students for careers in public health practice in agencies, as described above, focusing primarily on countries categorized by the World Bank as LMICs and in related areas of globalization and health (including Indigenous and circumpolar health).

Students pursue the embedded certificate in Global Health Equity by fulfilling their graduate degree requirements and the GEC requirements. The degree and the GEC must be completed concurrently.

Entrance Requirements

  • The embedded certificate is open to students enrolled in any degree in the School of Public Health, as well as other Faculties.
  • Students must be in good academic standing at the time of application for the embedded certificate.
  • Students will be required to register for the embedded certificate no later than September 30 of their second year.

For information on the application process for the embedded certificate, refer to the School of Public Health website.

Program Requirements

The Graduate Embedded Certificate (GEC) in Global Health and Equity will require successful completion of 12 units of coursework. 

Required courses

  • SPH 641 - three units Global Health Project Development
  • SPH 542 - three units Global Health Practice 
  • SPH 640 - three units Introduction to Global Health

AND  one of the following courses:

SPH 563 - three units Evaluation in Public Health Practice
MACE 552 - three units Evaluation in the Community Context
SPH 697 - three units Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases (note that there is a prerequisite for this course, SPH 596)

Note: Graduate Embedded Certificate will be awarded at the time the students earn their degree

Contact Educational Programs

P: 780-492-8211
F: 780-492-0364