MSc Health Promotion and Socio-behavioural Sciences


Health promotion and socio-behavioural sciences involve investigating how the actions of individuals, groups, organizations and communities promote health, prevent disease and foster informed decision-making on health risks.

We are committed to the values of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, which views health as a positive concept — a foundation for everyday living — that includes social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. These values emphasize processes that enable people to increase control over and improve their health, along with a focus on partnership and sensitivity to local health needs.

This thesis-based program is designed to enhance students' research knowledge and skills. Graduates are prepared for doctoral level work and are equipped for research-related positions.

Core Courses

These courses are required in order to complete this program.

SPH 555 - Foundations of Public Health Research (*3)
SPH 596 - Epidemiology Methods I (*3)

Specialization Courses

These courses are required for this specialization.

SPH 503 - Introduction to Health Promotion Research (*3)
(*3) of qualitative methods courses as approved by the student's supervisor.


Students are required to complete *3 of graduate level coursework as approved by their supervisor.


Students will successfully complete and defend a thesis on a research topic in their program area, defined in consultation with the student's supervisory committee. The scope and quality of the thesis should normally be appropriate to form the basis for a refereed journal publication.

As you prepare to defend your thesis in the Final Oral Examination, you will want to become familiar with the .

Length of Program

The time required to complete the program will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken. The maximum time permitted for completion of the program is four years (full or part time) from the date of first registration.

Educational Programs Contact

P: 780-492-8211
F: 780-492-0364