
A chief goal of UAT is to restructure the university's administrative and academic services so that we work as one university, with a clear vision, with aligned and consistent best practices, and a shared commitment to providing service excellence. Eliminating duplicate and redundant services is one of the key principles guiding the transition to the new operating model. 

With transformed and realigned services, the future end state includes:

  • Collaborative, results-oriented services offered to students and staff
  • Best in class research outcomes enabled through new Research Innovation structure 
  • Strategic, high functioning service partner networks 
  • Integrated, dynamic marketing and communications campaigns for benefit of entire university
  • Service oriented HR processes designed to meet needs of the organization
  • Leading edge finance community of practice
  • Enhanced IT support and security across the institution
  • Streamlined purchasing of goods and services 
  • Efficient use and management of our space and facilities

Administrative and academic services

Administrative and professional services are those services that are typical of all large institutions and are required to ensure the successful operation of the university. This includes university services such as human resources, information technology services, finance and procurement, marketing and communications, as well as space and facilities maintenance. While typical of all institutions, within the university’s context, these administrative and professional services underpin the effective delivery of the 海角社区’s core mission.

Academic services are those services that are specific to advancing and delivering teaching, research and community engagement. This includes support for teaching resources, student services and placements, laboratory and other active research support, and other areas such as course scheduling, timetabling and enrolment planning. 

Ask SET Anything (ASA)

On March 29, the SET Program Office held the Ask SET Anything: Looking Ahead Edition.

You can watch recaps of other Ask SET Anything events on the UAT Consultation page.