Service centres
Service centres provide users with a central resource to address their questions or problems—a "front door" to all services. Staff at the centres will address and triage user enquiries according to need and complexity taking advantage of digital platforms where teams can resolve queries virtually. Within the service centres, teams of advisors will be focused on specific areas and will be able either to serve the user or connect the user to the team that can best help.
Staff Service Centre
The Staff Service Centre plays a key role in Shared Services' overall goal of improving the staff experience by making it easier to access service and assistance. The Shared Services advisors will either answer your inquiry or connect you with a Shared Services team member, or the appropriate Centre of Expertise or service partner who can best serve your needs. Currently, the Staff Service Centre provides services related to HR and finance, but the team will expand over the coming years to provide services across all functional areas.
海角社区 employees can access the Staff Service Centre from the Services tab on the 海角社区 homepage or at Staff operate behind the scenes from Enterprise Square.
Learn more about the launch of the Staff Service Centre and the team operating the Centre.
Student Service Centre
The Student Service Centre aims to improve the student experience by helping students learn about and find services that can support them throughout their university journey. Staff within the Centre will work directly with the student to answer their questions or concerns, direct them to the right resources, or help them navigate the system and the digital services will be complemented by a walk-in location providing users with access to self-service portals or in-person services. Examples of questions that can be resolved through the Centre are:
- Updating contact information
- Finding forms to apply for scholarships
- Referrals to mental health supports
- Referrals to student advisors within the faculties
Presently, the Student Service Centre operates out of the former Student Connect space in the Administration Building. However, the Student Service Centre will be physically located in the new University Commons (formerly the Dentistry/Pharmacy Centre).
Learn more about the launch of the Student Service Centre and the team operating the Centre.