Governance and teams
The decision-making and advisory roles in the governance of 海角社区 for Tomorrow are outlined below.
Decision-making bodies
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors has senior oversight of the institution and concerns itself with the long-range planning and the business affairs of the institution. The Board provided final approval of proposals for academic restructuring of faculties and departments as well as the university's new administrative framework, operating model and organizational structure. The Board also has authority over the maintenance of buildings and the erection of new buildings and will approve changes to our physical assets related to UAT.
General Faculties Council and Academic Planning Committee
GFC has responsibility over the academic affairs of the university, subject to the authority of the Board of Governors. This includes the authority to recommend the establishment of faculties, schools, and departments to the Board. Both the Academic Planning Committee and GFC have played a critical role, both in discussing and shaping the academic restructuring planning process and ultimately in making recommendations to the Board of Governors on the establishment of new colleges.
President’s Executive Committee - Strategic (PEC-S)
Comprising the provost, vice-presidents, general counsel and university secretary, and chief strategy officer, PEC-S advises the president on all matters related to the academic and administrative functions of the university. Upon the advice of the UAT committees and advisory bodies, the president has ultimate responsibility for administrative decisions and for determining what will be presented to General Faculties Council and the Board of Governors for their consideration and approval.
Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC)
Led by the Vice-President (University Services & Finance) Todd Gilchrist, the Service Excellence Steering Committee is responsible for the transformation of institutional business processes and tasks. Under the leadership of SESC, the SET Program Office is responsible for implementing approved changes. Learn more »
SET executive sponsors
To ensure expertise and knowledge within each of the functional workstreams, academic and administrative leaders have partnered and taken on the role of sponsors to help guide the change to a new organizational model. Learn more »
Academic Leaders Task Group (ALTG)
The Academic Leaders Task Group (ALTG) is reviewing academic leadership roles in our new model. The task group's core objective is to ensure strong, strategic and effective leadership with the minimal number of professors and a harmonization of roles, service levels and functions (recognizing that there are unique aspects in every discipline that must be considered). Learn more »
Academic Restructuring Working Group (ARWG)
Led by Provost Steven Dew, the ARWG developed recommendations for structural changes to faculties and departments, and identified processes and strategies for achieving these recommendations. Recommendations included proposals to create, merge, close, or re-profile faculties, departments, divisions, centres or institutes. Learn more »
Advisory Bodies
Deans’ Council
Deans' Council plays an integral, advisory role in the development and implementation of UAT. Deans' Council is frequently briefed and consulted and provides input on proposals for change.UAT Staff Advisory Team
The Staff Advisory Team (SAT) reports to then Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC) through the SET Executive Lead and provides feedback and advice on communications affecting staff; identifies and raises issues relevant to staff; and proposes solutions to key issues affecting staff to ensure the successful delivery of the transformation. Learn more »
SET Change Network
The SET Change Network meets regularly to learn more about SET, share updates, and set a course for continued conversations to occur throughout the transformation. Learn more »