Staff Advisory Team
As part of the 海角社区 for Tomorrow (UAT) transformation, the Staff Advisory Team provides critical insight and feedback as the stages of academic and administrative restructuring unfold. This 40-member team includes staff representatives from all faculties and major academic support units, as well as broad representation across job levels, employee categories, and equity seeking groups.
All members of the Staff Advisory Team are active administrative and support staff from the 海角社区 community and are deeply committed to its future. We thank them for their service.
Susan Babcock
Trevor Buckle
Reg Cardinal
Mirella Chiodo
Pam Connors
Shana Dion
Heather Dyck
Greg Hodgson
Michelle Johnson
Susan Kuzmak
Jackie Lane
Jane Lee
Junelle Mah
Raymond Matthias
Kathryn Merrell
Nooria Naeemi
Julie Naylor
Dianne Payeur
Sarah Peterson
Asha Rao
Jamie Rishaug
Medha Samarasinghe
Colleen Starchuk (Rizzoli)
Gloria Strathern
Sydney Tancowny
Christian Tremblay
Derek Warwick
Edith Wishman
Emma Yellowbird
Brett Zawadiuk
Rachel Zukiwski
More information about the Staff Advisory Team can be found in the Terms of Reference.
Selection & Composition
- 166 Expressions of Interest (EoIs) were received
- Deans/Unit Leads were asked to nominate up to three individuals from their area, paying particular attention to equity, diversity and inclusion
- For those areas that did not receive any nominations, all EOIs from that area were considered
- This initial process short-listed 74 individuals
- To appoint the 40-member team, the SET Executive Lead in consultation with Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC) considered representation from equity seeking groups, size and/or complexity of the Faculty/Support Unit as well as the types of positions held to ensure a variety of job levels and classifications
- In total, 18 Faculties and 12 Support Units are represented on the Staff Advisory Team, with no more than two members from the same area
- Membership includes Support Staff, APOs and Other (MAPS, TLAPs)
For more information on the criteria and selection process, please review the Terms of Reference.