The university’s Procurement team is responsible for the purchase of goods and services, contract management, vendor management, customs services, travel management and compliance.
The procurement stream is reviewing and redesigning the expenditure strategy for goods and services across the university through procurement.
Upcoming initiatives
The Procurement team is tasked with finding $29 million in savings.
$8.5 million in savings has been identified in the following areas:
- Cleaning service
- Library journal subscriptions
- IT maintenance service
- Internet service
- Job advertising service
- Office supplies
- Electrical and lighting supplies
- Printing
The team has also identified a number of initiatives to help achieve up to $8.5 million in annual savings by March 31, 2022. These recommendations have gone to the Service Excellence Steering Committee and PEC-S for input and consideration.
The Procurement team is working on a proposal to address the remaining $11 million.
Completed projects
The Procurement team renegotiated our agreement with the university's preferred car rental supplier, Enterprise (which includes National). We now have reduced rates for daily rental rates as well insurance. Using our Enterprise discount instead of independently sourcing a rental can save the university at least $30,000 per year. University employees can access these rates directly through our by choosing Ground Transportation or using the Maritime Travel Concur booking tool to plan a full trip.
The university Travel and Expense Review and Approval model has been redesigned to increase efficiency and minimize costs. The redesign includes the following approval structure:
- Operating spend < $5000: central review and approval only
- Operating spend > $5000: central review and approval and budget owner/one over one approval
- Research spend (all dollar amounts): central review and approval and budget owner/one over one approval
The redesigned model requires employees to enter their expenses, attach receipts and submit. The claim will be reviewed by central compliance, approved and/or routed for final approval to budget owner/one-over-one. If any corrections are required or receipts are missing, the claim will be returned to the employee to update. Unresolved disputes relating to expense line eligibility and and/or supporting documentation will be escalated to the Centre of Expertise for additional review prior to approval.
Information and campus training: Visit Travel Expenses for training materialsImplemented: October 18, 2021
The university previously reconciled purchasing cards (PCards) using a paper-based process that involved printing, signatures and administrative management. The new electronic solution eliminates the paper-based process and automates the approvals within PeopleSoft. The employee navigates to PeopleSoft, attaches receipts, reconciles their account and submits it for approval. The budget owner or one-over-one approver now receives an email notification to review the submission. Oversight and compliance is completed centrally within the Centre of Expertise.
Information and campus training: Visit Corporate Purchasing Card for training materials
Implemented: October 18, 2021
Wave 1 (to be completed within fiscal year 2022)
Foundational procurement framework and governance
The university's foundational infrastructure for procuring goods and services includes policy and procedures, regulations related to competitive bidding, contracts for services with individuals, and oversight and direction.
Within the Finance, Procurement and Planning (FPP) portfolio, the mandate of the Centre of Expertise for Procurement Services (PS) is to ensure compliance with our foundational infrastructure to mitigate risk and maximize cost savings opportunities.
The Supply of Goods and Services Policy outlines all procedures that relate to the purchasing of goods, services and construction at the university.
Competitive bid guidelines are mandated by legislated trade agreements for the university.
Currently: the university is required to competitively bid through a competitive bid (RFX) process for commodities and services up to $75,000 and for construction over $200,000. For purchases below $75,000, it is recommended that a minimum of two bids are received for commodities and services.
By end of 2022: the university is investigating the requirement to mandate two bids for commodities and services below $75,000. These bids would be acquired by the requisitioner/requester and attached to the requisition in SupplyNet. This will ensure price comparisons are completed for commodities and services within the identified threshold.
Contracts for service from individuals and limited/incorporated vendors require a formal service agreement prepared and issued by Procurement Services for $50,000 agreements or for agreements under $50,000 with complex deliverables. The process includes:
- verifying the current status of the individual (determination of worker’s status checklist)
- obtaining or self-assessing Workers Compensation Board (WCB) requirements
- conducting a company lien search
- confirming and obtaining valid insurance
- issuing a fully executable agreement
Procurement Services frequently receives a request for payment of services that have not followed this procedure. Failure to complete these requirements prior to beginning work with an individual or company violates university policy and does not allow for a payment method to be established. These requirements protect the university while minimizing risk associated with contracting for services.
Procurement Services provides expertise to the university community relating to the purchase of goods and services. Currently, we receive competitive bids (RFX) for products, services and equipment on campus, or we provide alternative solutions to the purchase. Procurement Services provides input into these decisions to minimize risk, reduce or eliminate cost. The process to provide input from central when agreements are missing key elements needs to be defined and communicated to all units.
Stakeholder engagement: May to September 2021
Implementation timelines: March 2022
Information and campus training: Now through to implementation
The university has an established preferred supplier agreement with Maritime Travel through a competitive bid process that provides access to discounted flights, hotels and car rentals. The contract provides cost savings for airline tickets, administrative efficiencies, cancellations and related costs associated with travel. Additionally, faculty and staff receive competitive rates for hotels and car rentals. The use of this agreement is critical to achieve additional savings to the university.
Stakeholder engagement: TBDImplementation timelines: TBD
Upcoming opportunities for engagement
The university purchasing card program (P-Card) is intended for low dollar (<$5,000), non-competitively bid, goods and services purchases. Office supplies and IT equipment should not be acquired through the P-Card program and will face vendor restrictions in the future. The university has a preferred supplier agreement in place for office supplies with Staples Canada that provides competitive pricing and administrative efficiencies. There are three preferred supplier agreements in place for IT-related equipment; this includes Microserve, CDW Corp., and Insight Canada. These agreements also provide competitive pricing and administrative efficiencies. In addition, the purchase of IT equipment must meet standard workstation configuration requirements established by Information Services and Technology. This standard ensures hardware, software, memory and support requirements are considered when purchasing the equipment.
Stakeholder engagement: April to July 2021
Implementation timelines: September 2021
Wave 1 projects
There are multiple event management software solutions available in the marketplace today. The university's current model includes multiple licensing agreements with different service providers. A campus-wide approach to event management would allow cost savings through reduced licensing agreements and central expertise in event management. Events include in person and virtual events. Central software licensing would allow for a yearly savings of about $100,000. The university expects a substantial increase in virtual events and the implementation of a centralized solution will reduce ongoing costs.
Stakeholder engagement: March to September 2021
Implementation timelines: November 2021
Upcoming opportunities for engagement
Wave 2 (to be completed within fiscal year 2023)
The university has significant requirements related to the use of fleet vehicles for research, distribution of goods and equipment, building and grounds maintenance and repair, Protective Services, utilities and rentals. Procurement Services will determine the most cost effective model to provide fleet management to the university.
Stakeholder engagement: TBDImplementation timelines: TBD
The university community has access to centralized storage within the Materials Management Building. Additionally, many units rent storage space off campus at a significant cost to the institution. Procurement Services will review current and future storage requirements to determine our needs and ensure a cost-effective solution is identified and implemented.
Stakeholder engagement: TBDImplementation timelines: TBD
Corporate cellular phones are issued to university employees based on the requirements of the specific faculty, department or unit. The university will develop a strategy that identifies what positions require the use of a corporate cell phone to complete their regular duties and an approval process to ensure independent oversight is completed.
Stakeholder engagement: now to March 2022Implementation timelines: TBD
Faculties, departments and units have copier agreements through Xerox. Procurement Services will review the needs of units to identify how many copiers are required based on the staffing complement and the typical use of the machine. Additionally, many copiers on campus have exceeded their current lease agreement and more cost-effective solutions are now available.
Stakeholder engagement: TBDImplementation timelines: TBD
The university has preferred supplier agreements in place for lab supplies, chemicals and equipment. Procurement Services will review this spend to determine whether the current model is cost effective and capturing all savings opportunities. The review will include identifying all current vendors in use under the contract and spend associated with vendors outside of contract.
Stakeholder engagement: 2022Implementation timelines: TBD
Cost savings opportunities exist through a reduction in travel requirements across the institution. Throughout the pandemic, we have learned to operate in a virtual environment through Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and other platforms. This opportunity supports the move to virtual conferences now and in the future. Maximizing this opportunity will allow the university to maintain the savings currently gained and identify additional savings opportunities moving forward.
Stakeholder engagement: TBDImplementation timelines: TBD