Recent Posts

Update to the purchase of goods, services and travel expenses

Procurement and Contract Management is moving to a one credit card solution to minimize out-of-pocket expenses and create a sustainable reconciliation process.

New lab supplies and equipment contract signed with Fisher Scientific

Upon the completion of a successful competitive bid process, the º£½ÇÉçÇø is happy to announce the signing of a new lab supplies and equipment contract with Fisher Scientific.

A move to new purchasing processes on April 1, 2022

Since SET was launched, Procurement and Contract Management (PCM) has been reviewing and redesigning the expenditure strategy for goods and services across the university to find efficiencies and cost savings. On April 1, 2022, the five foundational procurement changes will be implemented. Learn more about the changes.

Groupize available April 1

Groupize, the new event management software solution will be available to use April 1. Features and capabilities of the software include attendee registration, event templates, social media integration, payment collection (additional fees apply), reporting, and an app for attendees. There is no cost to use Groupize. View a demo of the software and learn more here.

Tips for travel, expense claims, and PCard reconciliation

The processes for booking travel, claiming expenses, and reconciling PCards may be new to you. To support you in these areas, Shared Services would like to share the most common (and risky) travel, expense and PCard errors, the impacts to you, how to avoid them, and additional tips for clarity and expedited processing.

Purchases over $5,000 and the new multiple-quote process

This week we will expand on purchasing options for goods and services over $5,000 and specifically cover options for purchases between $5,000 - $20,000, share information on the new multiple-quote requirement that will be implemented on April 1, 2022 for purchases between $20,000 - $75,000, and discuss contracts for services and requests for proposals.

Invitation to final Ask SET Anything event

Join the SET team for the final edition of our Ask SET Anything series on Tuesday, March 29, from 2 - 3 p.m. While the SET program will officially stand down on March 31, we know there is still significant work that needs to be done to implement, sustain, and enhance the operating model. Learn more about what comes next and have the opportunity to ask questions about this transition period.

Get to know Groupize

Procurement and Contract Management (PCM) purchased Groupize, an all-in-one enterprise event management software solution, which will launch for the university on April 1, 2022. Learn more about the software, its implementation at the university and a few users who have tried the software.

Invitation to information session and procurement updates March 8

Read the new article that highlights options available when making a purchase under $5,000 and don't forget about the online Information Session on March 14 from 1:30-3 p.m. to review these changes in greater detail.

Making a purchase under $5,000

In follow-up to the recent article, Purchasing goods and services at the º£½ÇÉçÇø, this week's article provides more information on options for purchasing goods or services under $5,000, unavailable from a preferred supplier.

Tips for PCard use and reconciliations

Since introducing a new PCard reconciliation process in the fall, Shared Services has identified some opportunities to clarify the process.

Procurement updates for February 2022

Learn about various updates to procurement over the past few months, including info about Groupize and preferred suppliers.

The Value of Preferred Supplier Agreements

Preferred Suppliers are vendors that have been awarded a contract through a competitive bid process for use by all departments, faculties and units at the º£½ÇÉçÇø. This week we will focus on the value and benefits of using preferred suppliers, identify goods and services available through a Preferred Supplier Agreement (PSA), and share how to place an order. On April 1, 2022 the mandatory use of Preferred Supplier Agreements will be implemented.

Purchasing goods and services at the º£½ÇÉçÇø

As previously shared in December, Procurement and Contract Management (PCM) will move forward with the implementation of five critical changes to º£½ÇÉçÇø purchasing processes to increase cost saving opportunities beginning April 1, 2022. These changes include updates to Preferred Supplier Agreements, purchasing methods, quote processes and more.

New event management software solution available in January 2022

With the completion of the Event Management Task Force at the beginning of November, approval has been given to proceed with implementation of the software solution, Groupize, beginning in January 2022.

Two procurement task forces concluded last week

​​The task forces for both Event Management and Foundational Procurement concluded last week

Looking ahead at the non-labour streams

This is the third in a series of four articles highlighting the upcoming activities and milestones for key initiatives of the SET program. This week, we look at what to expect with the non-labour streams, such as procurement, space and facilities, and more.

Travel and expense claim processing pause/freeze October 11-15

The Procurement team has redesigned the review and approval process for Travel & Expense and PER to streamline the current process, reduce complexity, and minimize cost. This new process will be implemented on October 18. All travel, expense and professional expense claims will route to Shared Services for review and approval. To prepare for this implementation, the Center of Expertise and Shared Services ask for users submitting, reviewing and approving travel, expense and PER claims to be aware of the following pause/freeze dates occurring in October.

Clarification about PCard and credit card use

We incorrectly communicated that PCards had replaced personal credit cards for expense reimbursement. It is not mandatory to use a PCard, and expenses will continue to be reimbursed on personal credit cards. In the near future, personal credit card expenses will not be accepted above $500.

Procurement priorities update

The Procurement team has reprioritized its 25 SET projects to focus on the largest cost-savings activities. These projects have a potential savings of $8 million annual. See the reprioritized project list.

Procurement reprioritizes stream projects

The Procurement team has reprioritized the 25 stream projects to focus on those with the largest cost-savings.

You can help the º£½ÇÉçÇø save up to $30,000 on vehicle rentals per year

Working with the university’s preferred rental vehicle provider, the Procurement team has negotiated and secured better rates and discounts on vehicle rentals and insurance.

Procurement tasked with finding $29 million in savings

With administrative restructuring well underway, our next step in achieving financial stability is to review and redesign the expenditure strategy for goods and services across the university through procurement.