Tips for PCard use and reconciliations

24 February 2022

Since introducing a new PCard reconciliation process in the fall, Shared Services has identified some opportunities to clarify the process below.

Reconciliation tips

  • A monthly notification to reconcile a PCard is sent to the cardholder only (not to delegates).
  • If a delegate enters a PCard statement claim on behalf of the cardholder, the claim must still be approved by the cardholder, before being approved by the budget owner.
  • Remember to click "Submit" when you are finished reconciling your statement claim.
  • Reconciliation of transactions for the current month must be submitted by month end (last business day of the month). Note: Reconciliation deadlines and escalation procedures on past due credit card transactions are viewable on the Finance, Procurement and Planning website: Reconciliation Deadlines.
  • Every transaction reconciled must have a corresponding receipt. If you have lost the receipt, you must make an attempt to contact the vendor to obtain a duplicate. In the rare circumstance that a receipt cannot be obtained, the cardholder must upload a document providing the details of the purchase and justification for the missing receipt.
  • When attaching a previous month's receipt to a current month's PCard reconciliation, name the file with the original PCard report number (i.e., December PCard Report 640001. A receipt attached in January for a December report would be named Report 640001).

PCard reminders

  • PCards cannot be used to purchase personal goods including, but not limited to, cell phones.
  • PCards cannot be used for office equipment and office supplies. They must be purchased through SupplyNet and delivered to the university for pickup.
  • PCards cannot be used to purchase items for professional expense reimbursement. Use personal credit cards, debit cards, cash or cheques for these purchases, and where applicable, seek reimbursement via professional expense reimbursement.
  • You can spend up to $5,000 CAD per transaction on a PCard. To spend more than $5,000 on a good or service, use SupplyNet. Splitting payments for goods and services in excess of $5,000 CAD will result in cancellation of a PCard. SupplyNet can also be used for items under $5,000.
  • The Central Pay Diner's Card is for travel and/or hospitality expenses only and must not be used for the day-to-day purchase of supplies or services. Consider applying for a Corporate Purchasing Card if you order goods on a regular basis.

Need more information?

Visit the Corporate Purchasing Cards and (Diners credit card) pages to review more detailed instructions for using these cards.

Contact the Staff Service Centre for support with:

  • making purchases on your PCard
  • reconciling your transactions
  • reporting suspicious or fraudulent charges
  • Increasing your credit limit (for a one-time purchase or ongoing)