Clarifying the scope of IT transition
6 May 2021

Since beginning administrative restructuring, we have received several questions asking how IT will function in the new operating model. Under the SET program, administrative services — including IT — will transition into a new operating model consisting of Centres of Expertise, Service Partners, a Transaction Processing Hub, and more.
Within the new IT operating model, some roles will exist locally while others will operate within a college or unit. For example, technical support for trust funded research projects, or research infrastructure that is PI-funded, is considered research support and would continue to operate in the college or faculty. We have prepared the following video to provide a clearer understanding of what institutionally distributed IT will look like in the new model, including examples of IT roles operating centrally versus those operating in a faculty/unit.
*Please note that in the following video at the 2:13 mark, "two independent faculties" are mentioned. However, it should say "three independent faculties."
For more information and recent updates, visit the IT stream web page. We greatly value your participation through this process and if you have comments or suggestions, please share your thoughts through our .