Hiring Announcement: Senior HR Service Partners
3 June 2021

Since the new administrative operating model was approved last October, several new entities and roles have been introduced to the university community including the Senior Service Partner and Service Partner positions. Service partners are integral to the new model. They provide strategic support, ensure that policy and strategy is applied appropriately and facilitate connection to services in the central functions. Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment (HRHSE) and the SET HR functional workstream are pleased to announce the appointment of the Senior HR Service Partners (Sr. HRSPs). As all five appointments are internal hires, we’re pleased to be advancing some of our existing, key talent within the organization.
- Amrit Bortnick — Senior HR Service Partner for a portfolio which includes the offices of the President, Provost and VP (Academic), and VP (Research and Innovation), as well as the stand-alone faculties: Augustana, Campus Saint-Jean, and Faculty of Native Studies
- Annette MacPherson — Senior HR Service Partner for the offices of the Vice-President University Services and Finance, Vice-President Facilities & Operations, and Vice-President External Relations
- Pam Averill — Senior HR Service Partner, College of Health Sciences
- Shayan Sarkar — Senior HR Service Partner, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Stacey Brennan — Senior HR Service Partner, College of Social Sciences & Humanities
Working directly with the College General Managers (CGMs) and Chiefs of Staff in administrative units, the Sr. HRSPs will act as strategic advisors to the College Deans and Vice-Presidents, as well as provide leadership to a team of HR Service Partners (HRSPs) who will support the faculties and administrative units in each portfolio. Reporting to the Director of HR Service Partnerships, Marj Cayford, the Sr. HRSPs will also identify and contribute to the development of institutional human resources initiatives.
Sr. HRSPs are meeting with senior leaders in their respective portfolios over the next few weeks to familiarize themselves with the goals of the college and/or VP office. Faculties and administrative units should continue to work with their current assigned HRSP who will be pleased to support them in addressing their HR needs. Recruitment is underway to bring additional partners into the HR Service Partnerships team, and portfolios will be confirmed by the end of June. In the new operating model both Sr. HRSPs and HRSPs will be embedded with the clients they support.
Todd Gilchrist
Vice President (University Services and Finance)
Chair, Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC)