Hiring announcement: IT Partners
Todd Gilchrist - 26 August 2021

Since the new administrative operating model was approved last October, several new entities and roles have been introduced to the university community including the Service Partner position. Partners are integral to the new model; they provide strategic support, ensure that policy and strategy is applied appropriately, and facilitate connection to services in the central functions. Information Services & Technology and the SET IT workstream are pleased to announce the appointments of the university’s new IT Partners. As all four appointments are internal hires, we’re pleased to be advancing our existing, key talent within the organization.
- Sherri Honeychurch — IT Partner, College of Health Sciences
- Rob Washburn — IT Partner, College of Social Sciences & Humanities
- Adam Giraldeau — IT Partner, College of Natural & Applied Sciences
- Nathan Skretting — IT Partner, Stand-alone Faculties (Augustana, Campus Saint Jean, Faculty of Native Studies) and central VP Portfolios
Reporting to Tim Jenkins, Director of IT Service Excellence, IT Partners are responsible for strategic planning of IT needs for their assigned college, central portfolio and/or unit. The IT Partner works with the college general manager and deans, as well as other academic and administrative leaders within the college structure to support the core mission of the college by assisting to determine its IT strategic direction.
To accommodate fall term activities and SET transition work underway in their respective faculties, the IT Partners are soft transitioning into their new roles from now through to the middle of September. Initial activities include introductions to appropriate leadership in the colleges as well as developing and standing up work processes and procedures for delivering their strategic planning mandate.
Todd Gilchrist
Vice President (University Services and Finance)
Chair, Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC)