Hiring announcement: Finance Partners
Todd Gilchrist - 14 October 2021

Since the new operating model was approved last October, several new entities and roles have been introduced to the university community including the Senior Partner and Partner positions. Partners are integral to the new model. They provide strategic support, ensure that policy and strategy is applied appropriately, and facilitate connection to services in the central functions. Finance, Procurement and Planning and the SET finance workstream are pleased to announce the appointments of 27 of the Finance Partners. As 25 of the 27 appointments so far are internal hires, we're pleased to be advancing our existing, key talent within the organization.
- Melanie Corrigan, Yuliia Malanych, Lisa Krezanowski, Paul Topilko & Jamie Ellick — Finance Partners, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Caitlin Beauchamp, Michele Wilanowski, Patrick McConnell, Vivien Liew & Jolene Martin — Finance Partners, College of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Andrea Smart, Margo Desmarais, Dusty Pederson, Maarij Ali, Jennifer Bernard, Wendy Nickolson, Ruma Daulay & Talha Zafar — Finance Partners, College of Health Sciences
- Ibtissam Nkaili — Finance Partner, Stand-alone Faculties
- Charity Helquist, Amy Hansen, Jonathan Fung, Heather Spratt, Alfred Liu, Kevin Phillips, Monica Ding & Kwang Gee — Finance Partners, VP Portfolios
Reporting to their Senior Finance Partner, the Finance Partners deliver financial advice, guidance, and solutions to academic and administrative leaders including faculty deans, faculty general managers, and chiefs of staff. The Finance Partners will draw on their deep understanding of the university, its operations, and its challenges to deliver appropriate financial solutions to their respective area(s). As the majority of the partners are internal hires, they have served in similar roles throughout their career at the university and understand what's required to manage the finances of a faculty/unit. In addition, the Finance Partners will actively engage with colleagues in Shared Services and the finance Centres of Expertise in order to deliver results-focused financial solutions.
These Finance Partners began their new roles between September 13 and October 13. At least three more partners will be starting before the end of October with placements still to be determined, and the last 10 Finance Partner positions will be filled over the next month.
Todd Gilchrist
Vice-President (University Services and Finance)
Chair, Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC)