Update on Provost Portfolio Restructuring
Verna Yiu - 12 September 2022

Today, I am writing to share an update on the ongoing restructuring of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) portfolio in alignment with the UAT operating model. As you may be aware, over the past calendar year the many units that make up the Provost portfolio have been undertaking change, transformation and reorganization to better support the 海角社区’s core teaching and research mission. These changes have included:
- Implementing a two Deputy Provosts model, dividing the large portfolio between a Deputy Provost (Academic) and a Deputy Provost (Students and Enrolment)
- Delegating the reporting of Faculty Deans within the colleges to the corresponding College Dean and Vice-Provost
- Realigning the delivery of centralized student services and standing up the Student Service Centre
- Establishing the new 海角社区 Online and Continuing Education unit to lead the growth of online and continuing education opportunities across the university
- Reorganizing 海角社区 International towards a centre of expertise model to better lead and facilitate strategic international policies, priorities and engagement
- Creating a new Vice-provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion position to better advance our EDI activities at the leadership level
With these changes the overall structure of the Provost portfolio has shifted, and the Provost’s direct reports have been reduced by half:
- Blue indicates a new or substantially changed position
- Dark green indicates existing, filled positions
The total annual spend in the Provost portfolio has decreased by more than 20% since 2019—resulting in more than $20 million in total savings—with our resources and leadership structure more strategically allocated around our core teaching and research mission. These reorganizations have collectively helped the Provost portfolio to meet SET principles—including decreased managerial layers and increased average team sizes—and contribute to stabilizing the university’s financial outlook.
I will be working closely with the Provost leadership team throughout the year ahead as we continue to refine, grow and advance key areas of the portfolio, including strengthening our commitment to the One University vision, and supporting the ongoing implementation of the three colleges in connection and collaboration with the three stand-alone faculties. We look forward to sharing further updates as they are available.
Dr. Verna Yiu
Interim Provost and Vice-president (Academic)