Internships Abroad
Why participate in an internship abroad?
Elevate your educational experience and explore the world! Our internship programs abroad offer hands-on learning with experts in various fields, global networking opportunities, and a chance to immerse yourself in diverse cultures—all while advancing your career. Dive into a world of possibilities and make your resume shine!
Discover Internships by Area of Study:
- OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- CLIC - Canada Learning Initiative in China (China)
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- CUHK SLR - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Summer Lab Research (China - Spring/Summer only)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer only)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
- Work the World (Various Locations)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
- Work the World (Various Locations)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
- RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- Work the World (Various Locations)
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- CUHK SLR - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Summer Lab Research (China - Spring/Summer only)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Research Program (Saudi Arabia)
- University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer only)
- L’Institut Agro Montpellier (France - Fall Only)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
- *Polytechnique Montreal (Canada)
- *CLIC - Canada Learning Initiative in China (China)
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- CUHK SLR - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Summer Lab Research (China - Spring/Summer only)
- *Westlake University Summer Research Internship (China - Spring/Summer only)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- *IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- *CME (France, Germany, Japan)
- *RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- *RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *CJCP - Canada Japan Co-op Program (Japan)
- *KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Research Program (Saudi Arabia)
- *University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer only)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
* Indicates the program CAN qualify as an engineering co-op work term. Please speak with an engineering co-op advisor to ensure that this will satisfy the co-op requirements.
- *Polytechnique Montreal (Canada)
- *CLIC - Canada Learning Initiative in China (China)
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- CUHK SLR - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Summer Lab Research (China - Spring/Summer only)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- *IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- *GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *RISE (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- *RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *CJCP - Canada Japan Co-op Program (Japan)
- *KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Research Program (Saudi Arabia)
- *University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer Only)
- TWC - The Washington Center (USA)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
* Indicates the program CAN qualify as a Science Internship Program work term. Please speak with an advisor to ensure that this will satisfy the work term requirements.
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- CUHK SLR - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Summer Lab Research (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- *IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- *GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany)
- *RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *CJCP - Canada Japan Co-op Program (Japan)
- *University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer Only)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
* Indicates the program CAN qualify as a Business Co-op work term. Please speak with an advisor to ensure that this will satisfy the work term requirements.
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- GRIPS (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- *IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- *GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany)
- *RWTH Aachen UROP - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- *CJCP - Canada Japan Co-op Program (Japan)
- *University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer Only)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
* Indicates the program CAN qualify as an Arts Work Experience work term. Please speak with an advisor to ensure that this will satisfy the work term requirements.
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- IWE - International Work Experience (Europe)
- Teaching Assistant Program (France - Fall and Winter only)
- GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- TUD - Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) Research Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- TUM - Technische Universität München Practical Research Experience Program (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer only)
- Gyeongin National University of Education Internship (South Korea - Spring/Summer only)
- AKU - Aga Khan University International Internship Program (Various Locations)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
- CUHK SURP - Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (China - Spring/Summer only)
- NTU Singapore - Global Connect Fellowship (Singapore - Spring/Summer only)
- GREP - Goethe Research Program Internship (Germany - Spring/Summer only)
- OWL Consortium Internship Program (Germany - Spring/Summer and Fall)
- University of Leeds Research Internships (UK - Summer only)
- Roots Internships (Various Locations)
Can I receive credits towards my degree?
Some internship programs offer credit towards Co-op/SIP/AWE programs and some offer academic transfer credit while others are simply resume builders. Please visit the program pages linked above for more information and inquire with your program and/or academic advisor to determine if the internship you're interested in will qualify.
Are internships paid or unpaid? How can I secure funding?
Some internships programs are paid, some are unpaid, some offer stipends/grants/funding, and some require a payment to participate. Please visit the individual program pages linked above for more details about fees and costs specific to each program. Students are encouraged to apply for funding even if they do not have a confirmed internship to avoid missing important deadlines.
How and when should I apply?
Each program has a different application deadline and protocol which is set by the host organization. Most programs begin accepting applications 4 to 6 months in advance of the intended term abroad, but please visit the individual program pages linked above for specific details.
Program Information + Contact
For all questions, email indicating you'd like to speak about our internship offerings or connect with the International Outbound Internships Coordinator through in-person or virtual advising on Thursdays.