News Archive

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New CLEAR Publication

Organisational antecedents, policy and horizontal violence among nurses: An integrative review

New CLEAR Publication

The evolution of oncology nursing: Leading the path to change

New CLEAR Publication

Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review

New CLEAR Publication

Conceptual Models of Early and Involuntary Retirement among Canadian Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals

New CLEAR Publication

Long-Term Care Health Care Aides' Perceptions of Decision-making Processes in Transferring Residents to Acute Care

New CLEAR Publication

Antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of authentic leadership in healthcare: A systematic review

New CLEAR Report

New CLEAR report with the results of the OPTIC QI study

New CLEAR Publication

Impact of managers' coaching conversations on staff knowledge use and job satisfaction in long-term care settings

CLEAR Newsletter 2017

CLEAR News 2017

New CLEAR Publication

Starting Out: qualitative perspectives of new graduate nurses and nurse leaders on transition to practice

New CLEAR Publication

Influence of organizational context on nursing home staff burnout

Announcing the Next Dean of Nursing

Dr. Greta Cummings will join the Faculty of Nursing on July 1, 2017.

New CLEAR Publication

Impact of Role Stressors on the Health of Nurse Managers: A Western Canadian Context

New CLEAR Publication

Role stressors and coping strategies among nurse managers

Asian Oncology Nursing Society met in Seoul

Asian Oncology Nursing Society Meeting 2016

Frailty Talks on Parliament Hill

Dr. Cummings Invited to Frailty Talks on Parliament Hill

New CLEAR Outcomes Video

Reducing Emergency Transfers of Nursing Home Residents (EXACT) Video

New CLEAR Publication

Decisions to Transfer Nursing Home Residents to Emergency Departments: A Scoping Review of Contributing Factors and Staff Perspectives.

5th European Nursing Congress

On October 4th, 2016 Dr. Greta Cummings presented a preconference leadership session on Nursing Leadership. At the 5th European Nursing Congress.

OPTIC Final Report

New CLEAR Publication

Development and Validation of A Scheduled Shifts Staffing (ASSiST) Measure of Unit-Level Staffing in Nursing Homes

Greta Cummings interviewed for Nursing Alumni Magazine

Dr. Cummings was interviewed on leadership for the latest 海角社区 Nursing Alumni Magazine.

Florence Nightingale Foundation Lecture

Greta Cummings presents at 4th Florence Nightingale Foundation Lecture, Manchester

Dr Thungjaroenkul returns to Chiang Mai University

Dr. Thungjaroenkul learned methods of Structural Equation Modelling under Dr. Cummings' supervision.

The Western New Graduate Nurse Colloquium

Join nursing leaders in discussing strategies for facilitating new graduate nurses' successful transitions to the nursing workforce.

New CLEAR Publication

Leaders' experiences and perceptions implementing activity-based funding and pay-for-performance hospital funding models: A systematic review

2015 International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame ceremony

Dr. Cummings is now part of the STTI's International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.

ISNCC 19th International Cancer Care Nursing conference

The theme of ICCN 2015 was "Cancer Nursing Research: Global Strategies and Implications for Evidence Based Practice".

Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes

Ryerson University invites Dr. Cummings to deliver keynote at Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing's 7th Research Day.

University of Adelaide Visiting Professor Lectures

Drs. Harvey and Kitson will be at the 海角社区 in the upcoming week for a series of presentations and meetings.

Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing partnership continues

Dr. Cummings visited Drs. Bernardes and Garcia for the continuation of their joint research project and training of nurse managers and leaders.

Induction into International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame

Dr. Cummings has been selected as a recipient of the 2015 International Nurse Research Hall of Fame award.

Dr. Cummings now Adjunct Professor at University of Adelaide

This appointment follows Dr. Cummings' significant contributions to the School of Nursing within the University of Adelaide's Faculty of Health Sciences.

OPTIC Program of Research Featured by Interior Health

Interior Health has featured the OPTIC research program on their website.

Highly Cited

Dr. Cummings is one out of a few nurses in the top 1% of highly cited researchers!


Cummings to be inducted into prestigious nursing academy...

Sarah Cooper

Sarah Cooper receives Alberta Registered Nurses Education Trust Board of Director's Award $3500

Cummings visits Adelaide School of Nursing

Dr. Cummings first nurse in 10 year history to be selected for ----

Centennial Professor

Dr. Cummings appointed the title of Centennial Professor, a prestigious honour at the 海角社区...