Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
2015 - present
How to build a research program, Research Center on Leadership, Management and Administration of Health Services and Nursing, Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP), University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil, June 12 2018.
Coaching and mentoring, Research Center on Leadership, Management and Administration of Health Services and Nursing, Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP), University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil, June 12 2018.
Leadership and outcomes for nurses and patients, Research Center on Leadership, Management and Administration of Health Services and Nursing, Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP), University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil, June 13 2018/
Leadership in improving outcomes of cancer care through collaboration, innovation and transformation, Keynote Presentation. 8th Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care, May 24 2018.
Leadership in nursing, Next Level Nursing: hosted by the Nursing Graduate Student's Association and the Faculty of Nursing Centennial Committee. 海角社区, Faculty of Nursing, Mar 20 2018
Strategically developing a program of research. School of Nursing & Midwifery, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan, Feb 7, 2018
Strategically developing a program of research. School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, Feb 9, 2018
Leadership: It's in All of Us! How CANO, ONS and ISNCC Can Leverage Our Leadership Capacity for Change, Invited Expert Participant, Annual International Symposium: CANO/ACIO, ONS, ISNCC, CANO/ACIO Annual Conference 2017, Ottawa, Ontario, Oct 29, 2017
The Evolution of Oncology Nursing: Leading the Path to Change, Keynote Presentation, CANO/ACIO Annual Conference 2017, Ottawa, Ontario, Oct 28, 2017Evidence Informed Decision-Making and Leadership, Webinar, British Columbia Knowledge Translation Community of Practice, University of Victoria, Apr 6, 2017
Why Resonant Nursing Leadership Matters, OpeningKeynote Presentation, 8th International Congress on Innovations in Nursing, Perth, Australia, Nov 24, 2016Emerging Research in Leadership and Healthcare: A Canadian Perspective, Invited Plenary Talk, 2016 International Nursing Administration Research Conference, Orlando, Florida (with Wong C.), Nov 10, 2016
Why Your Leadership Style Matters, Keynote Presentation, Maimonides Medical Center's Fourth Annual Nursing Research Conference, New York, NY, Nov 7, 2016Forecasting for Optimal Patient Care: RN4CAST Alberta, Keynote Presentation, UNA AGM, Edmonton, Alberta, Oct 27, 2016
Applied research in residential settings and its potential impact on the frail elderly. Research Canada: Forum for Members of Parliament and invited researchers. Ottawa, Ontario, CA (with Estabrooks CA), Oct 24, 2016
Applied Research in Residential Care - Is Transformative Change Possible? Keynote Address, 5th European Nursing Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (with Estabrooks CA), Oct 4, 2016Nursing Leadership, Panel Discussion, preconference workshop, 5th European Nursing Congress, Caring for Older People: How Can We Do the Right Things Right? Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Oct 4, 2016
Positive Leadership, Opening Keynote, Alberta Health Services Provincial OrthoDay, Edmonton, AB, June 8, 2016Nursing Leadership, UNA/Covenant Professional Responsibility Committee, Covenant Health, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1, 2016
Applied research in Residential Care - Is Transformative Change Possible? Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia, 2016 International Conference. Banff, Alberta, CA (with Estabrooks CA), May 27, 2016
Development and testing of a standardized communication form to improve transitions for nursing home residents. Canadian Frailty Network, Webinar. CFN website:, May 25, 2016Clinical Leadership and Patient Outcomes, Covenant Health Leadership Teams, Edmonton, Alberta, Mar & May 2016
Nursing Leadership and Partnerships, Invited Concurrent Session, Registered Nurses making a Difference for Albertans,CARNA Centennial Conference, Mar 16, 17, 2016
Advocacy, Policy and Partnerships: Leading from where you are. Keynote address, Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing, Mu Sigma Chapter Induction Ceremony, Edmonton, Alberta, Feb 6, 2016
Leading Research Programs, Nursing Research Excellence Series, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Dec 10, 2015
Improving Patient Outcomes by Developing Effective Nursing Leadership, Florence Nightingale Foundation Lecture Series 2015. Manchester, UK, Nov 3, 2015
Engaging students in research, Panel Discussion, preconference workshop Being Successful Now and in the Future, Canadian Network for Nurse Researchers in Aging (CN2RA).Canadian Association of Aging, Oct 23, 2015
Leadership Development - Implications for Communities of Practice, Stollery Children's Hospital Advanced Nurse Practitioner group.Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, AB, Oct 20, 2015
Developing Nurse Leaders, Nursing Leadership Network, Alberta Health, Edmonton, AB, Sept 30, 2015
Leadership in Healthcare. Keynote Mebius Kramer Lecture, 3rd Science Carousel Clinical Health Sciences (KGW). University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Sept 25, 2015
Examining Aged Care Transitions. Covenant Health Network of Excellence in Seniors' Health and Wellness (NESHW) Steering Committee. (with Elbialy R & McLane P), Sept 9, 2015
Leadership Practices to Achieve Better Outcomes for Patients and Providers. Closing plenary session. Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 27, 2015
Using Mentorship and Coaching to Develop Nurse Leaders. Special session. Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 24, 2015
Strategic Dissemination--leveraging your writing output to support intervention research of high impact. Workshop. Ryerson Visiting Professorship. Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, 7th Research Day - Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 10, 2015
Building your program of research through coaching others. Keynote. Ryerson Visiting Professorship. Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, 7th Research Day - Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 9, 2015
Baxter P, Hewko S, Pfaff K, Cummings GG, Kennedy D, McKey C, Cleghorn L, Cunningham BJ, Elston D. Responses Of Health-Care Leaders To Funding Reforms In Acute Care: International Review and Reflection on the Ontario Experience. 2nd Annual Activity-based Funding Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. April 29, 2015
Leadership Matters. Western Emergency Department Operations Conference 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. April 16, 2015
Leadership in Action: Emotional Intelligence. Brain Care Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 27, 2015
OPTIC (Older Persons' Transitions in Care): Results. Alberta Health Services (Seniors Health SCN Core Committee), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 18, 2015
Cummings GG, Reid C, McLane P. OPTIC (Older Persons' Transitions in Care): Results. Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 17, 2015
McLane P, Cummings GG. OPTIC (Older Persons' Transitions in Care): Results. Alberta Directors of Continuing Care Association, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 17, 2015
Leadership in Action: Nurse Executive Authenticity and Resilience. Plenary presentation. 4th Annual Nurse Executive Leadership Academy, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, White Oaks Conference Centre, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. March 2, 2015
What is Survivorship? Opening address. Alberta Health Services (Provincial Cancer Survivorship Program), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Feb 27, 2015
Connecting Leadership Education and Research Outcomes in Healthcare. Alberta Health Services (SCN Health Technology Assessment and Adoption Department) Lunch & Learn, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Feb 25, 2015
McLane P, Cummings GG. OPTIC (Older Persons' Transitions in Care): Results. Alberta Health Services (Emergency Medical Services), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. January 20, 2015
2014 - 2010
Using Mentorship to Develop Nurse Leaders. Keynote. International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, Istanbul, Turkey. September 20, 2014
Shared leadership to achieve a preferred future in oncology nursing. Plenary presentation.International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, Istanbul, Turkey. September 18, 2014
Managing disparities in cancer care: what can we learn from international initiatives? Northern Communities Visiting Professorship Florey Lecture, Adelaide, Australia. April 16, 2014
Enhancing Coaching and Leadership Competencies to Promote Knowledge Translation in Long-term Care. School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. April 15, 2014
Establishing Research Plans to Building a Research Profile. School of Nursing, University of South Australia. April 9, 2014
Leadership and translating knowledge into practice. Nursing Leadership Master Class, South Australia Nursing Leadership Team. April 8, 2014
Learning to Lead from Wherever You Are. Opening Keynote, Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario. March 27, 2014
Cummings GG, Spiwek T, Hewko S, Cooper S, Huyhn H. Shining a Light On The Unregulated Healthcare Aide Workforce, Alberta Health & Wellness Lunch & Learn, Edmonton, AB. March 20, 2014
Older Persons Transitions in Care (OPTIC): Profiles of Transitions from Nursing Homes to the Emergency Department and back. Emergency and Seniors Health SCN Collaboration on Senior Friendly Emergency Departments in Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. February 2014
Leadership Science: Patient Outcomes, 1st Asian Oncology Nursing Society Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov 23, 2013
Oncology Nursing Around the World. 1st Asian Oncology Nursing Society Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov 22, 2013
Leadership Research in Canada. OGEAN Advancing Leadership Education and Research for Nurses. Baltimore, Maryland. Nov 14, 2013
Embracing the IPOS Standards as a Means of Enhancing Whole Patient Care. International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 15th World Congress. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Nov 6, 2013
Older Persons Transitions in Care (OPTIC): Profiles of Transitions from Nursing Homes to the Emergency Department and back. Alberta Health Services Emergency Zone Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. November 2013
Invited Expert Participant, Research Workshop: Networking and Consulting Toward Research Development. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Oct 21, 2013
Health Disparities in Cancer Care: Exploring Canadian, American and International Perspectives, Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Oct 21, 2013
Learning to lead yourself, your team and your organization, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Grantee Summit, European Cancer Organization - European Oncology Nursing Society (ECCO-EONS) Conference preconference workshop. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sept 26, 2013
Limiting the Impact of the Emergency Department on Seniors, Western Emergency Department Operations Conference (WEDOC), Calgary, Alberta April 2013
Publish or Perish, Where do you start? Helen Glass Researcher in Residence, Faculty of Nursing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. April 2013
Developing Research Partnerships for Health System Improvement - Challenges and Opportunities, Keynote. Building Successful Research Partnerships, MCNHR and WRHA Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. April 2013
Leadership for our Times, Public Presentation. Helen Glass Researcher in Residence, Faculty of Nursing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. April 2013
The Advanced Practice Nurse as an Agent of Change: Leadership in Action. Keynote, Advanced Practice Nurses Leadership Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 2013
Leadership - What works best? Keynote. Every Nurse a Leader, Nursing Leadership Day, McEwan University. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. February 2013
Leadership for our Times, Keynote. Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Nu Chapter, East Carolina University, College of Nursing, Greenville, North Carolina, USA. February 2013
The Older Persons' Transitions in Care (OPTIC) study: What have we learned so far? Aging and Wellness Symposium, Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. January 2013
Stakeholder perspectives on transitions of nursing home residents to hospital emergency departments and back in two Canadian provinces: An Older Persons Transitions in Care (OPTIC) study. (with Robinson CA, et al.). Central Okanagan Gerontological Group, Kelowna, BC Fall 2012
Leadership - It's all about relationships, Keynote. Swiss Directors of Nursing, Bern, Switzerland. October 2012
Leadership Styles. Leadership Summit 2012. 海角社区 Students Charities, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Sept 2012
Translating Knowledge into Leadership Practice. (with Dr. Mary Gullate). Connecting for Global Impact. UICC 2012 Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 2012
Older Persons' Transitions in Care Pilot Outcomes. Central Okanagan Area Care Partnership Committee Meeting, British Columbia, Canada. July 2012
Nursing leadership for improved nursing worklife and patient outcomes. Sansom Institute for Health Research International Visiting Researcher Seminar, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. May 2012
Writing for Publication, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia. Adelaide, SA. May 2012
How to get started: Developing your program of research, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. May 2012
How to conduct a systematic review, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. May 2012
Current global trends in nursing and my visions as President of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, Cancer Nursing Symposium, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. May 2012
OPTIC (Older Persons Transitions in Care), CGS - Canadian Geriatrics Society. 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geriatrics Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. April 2012
Why the healthcare system needs Nursing Leadership. Surgical Nurses Education Day, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 2012
Why the healthcare system needs Nursing Leadership. Mary-Jo Robbins Nursing Lectureship, Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. February 2012
Perspectives and reflections on next steps, Panel presentation, Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) Knowledge Translation Research Symposium, CIHR/RNAO, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. January 2012
Leadership for optimized health outcomes- what's your style? Keynote Address. Center for Health Services and Nursing Research at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. January 2012
Leadership - It's all about relationships. Advanced Oncology Nursing Leadership Certificate Program. De Souza Institute. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 2011
We are all leaders - fulfilling the promise of nursing. Closing Keynote address. Canadian Nursing Students Association. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 2011
The influence of leadership styles on health outcomes. Alberta Brain Injury Network, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 2011
Leadership Strategies in Addressing Cancer Disparities. Keynote Address. 2011 Learning and Sharing Conference - Addressing Cancer Disparities in Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw, Poland. October 2011
Leadership Research: Why relationships matter! Keynote Address. International Nursing Administration Research Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA. October 2011
Leadership and Integration. Keynote Address. European Nursing Directors Association Congress, Rome, Italy. October 2011
How to write for publication. Invited Address. University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, College of Nursing, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. June 2011
"Foraging your way through the literature jungle: Learn how to conduct a variety of systematic reviews of the nursing literature without losing your mind!". University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, College of Nursing, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. June 2011
Organizational Change and Nursing Models of Care. University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, College of Nursing, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. June 2011
Nursing Leadership. Keynote Address.4th European Nursing Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands. October 2010
Toward patient-centered Addictions Care in a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Urban Population: Research in Progress. Family Medicine Forum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 2010
Exploring the Impact of Competency Standards on Clinical Practice and Professional Development in Oncology Nursing. A Joint International Symposium of CANO/ACIO, ISNCC, EONS and ONS. CANO/ACIO Annual Conference 2010
The Power of One -The Potential of Together. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. September 2010
Why Healthcare Needs Nurse Leadership. Preconference workshop keynote address. CANO/ACIO Annual Conference 2010. The Power of One -The Potential of Together. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. September 2010
Leading from wherever you are…Factors influencing leadership development. Lecture and Seminar, University Hospital Basel & University of Basel Department of Clinical Nursing Science, Basel, Switzerland. September 2010
What can nurses teach you about management? Symposium Presentation. Dare to Care, Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 2010
The influence of hospital leadership styles on 30-day mortality. AHFMR Lightning Talks. Jasper, Alberta, Canada. June 2010
Leading from wherever you are…! Keynote Address, NCORNA annual meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. May 2010
Models of Care Delivery and Organizational Change, Plenary presentation. 16th International Cancer Care Nursing Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. March 2010
Future Perspectives on Innovative Service Delivery. Keynote Panel Presentation, Inspiring Innovation in Service Delivery: Optimizing the Cancer Workforce Symposium. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. January 2010
2009 - 2005
Learning how to lead from wherever you are. Keynote Address, Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 2009
Nurses' views of Canadian oncology nursing work environments. Grand Rounds, Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Nurses Week Address. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. May 2009
Struggling with Costing Analysis: The Case of Nursing Productivity-Cost Drivers and Benefit Drivers, Systems Change Commons, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario/University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. May 2009
Healthcare Restructuring: What have we learned? Keynote Address Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Healthy Workplaces Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 2008
Connecting Leadership Education and Research. 2008 International Research Internship for Nurse Researchers. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. June 2008
Knowledge to Action: A Leadership Responsibility. Alberta Health and Wellness, Alberta Provincial Government, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. May 2008
Effective Communication: Coaching for Impressive Care. 7th Annual Long Term Care Pre-Colloquium. Alberta College of Pharmacists. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. February 2008
Resonant Leadership in the Rink, the Locker Room and the Community. Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Alumni Association, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. January 2008
Nursing Recruitment and Retention. Federated Press, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. October 2007
Utilization of Research in Acute Care Setting in Alberta. Health Services Leadership Forum, Camrose, Alberta, Canada. October 2007
Translating Research to Action. MuSigma Chapter, STTI International, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with C.A. Estabrooks) June 2007
Canadian Leadership Study Panel Presentation. Canadian Nurses Association National Nursing Leadership Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. February 2007
Cancer Nursing Evaluation in Quality Healthcare Systems. 7th International Seminar on Cancer Nursing, Tokyo, Japan. January 2007
Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration in Acute Care Hospitals. 7th International Seminar on Cancer Nursing, Tokyo, Japan. January 2007
Building Healthy Nursing Workplaces through Resonant Leadership. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. November 2006
Research Ideas to Research Outcomes. Advanced Nursing Research Workshop, Knowing & Acting Workshop: A Focused Approach to Nursing Research and Practice Development. Berkeley, California, USA. April 2006
Knowledge Transfer: What it is and what it takes to do it best! Knowing & Acting Workshop: A Focused Approach to Nursing Research and Practice Development. Berkeley, California, USA. April 2006
Mitigating the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses: The role of emotionally intelligent leadership. Plenary Address, Best Dissertation Award. Nursing Administration Research Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA. October 2005
Relational Nursing Leadership: Improving our workplaces and outcomes. Keynote Address, Shared Leadership Conference, Nurturing Shared Leadership Practices in Nursing. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 2005
Research on Healthy Workplaces for Nurses. Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA) National Consensus Meeting on Work Life Indicators. Invited Presenter. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. June 2005
2004 - 2000
Mitigating the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses: The responsibility of leadership. Invited Address, 海角社区 Hospital Leadership Forum, Capital Health, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. September 2004
Mitigating the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses: The responsibility of leadership. Invited Address, Regional Coordinating Council, Capital Health, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June 2004
Nurses' Experience of Violence in Alberta and British Columbia Hospitals. Invited Plenary Address. Occupational Hazards to Health Care Workers. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 2004
Leadership for Healthy Workplaces. Principles for Decision-making: Using Knowledge to Attract and Retain Competent Health Professionals to Provide Safe, Ethical and Quality Care. Invited Address/Workshop Presentation. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. April 2004
Effect of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership on Nurses' Quality of Worklife. Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA) National Consensus Meeting on Work Life Indicators. Invited Workshop Presenter. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. March 2004
How emotionally intelligent leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. Hot Topics, Alberta Health & Wellness, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. February 2004
How emotionally intelligent leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. Strategic Planning Division, Alberta Health & Wellness, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. November 2003
The Difference that Practice Environments Make for Medical-Surgical Nurses. Surgery Journal Club, 海角社区 Hospitals, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with Giovannetti P, Mallidou A, Ehrenberg A) November 2003
How emotionally intelligent leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. Queen's University, School of Nursing, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. April 2003
How emotionally intelligent leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. University of Ottawa, School of Nursing, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. April 2003
Research into nursing practice environments - what's been done and what opportunities lay ahead. Nursing Research Rounds, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with M. McLennan) February 2003
Workplace Violence in Alberta Hospitals: the numbers…and what can be done. Presentation to Caritas Health Group senior administration, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with C. Estabrooks, K. Hesketh) November 2001
Violence against nurses in the workplace: Have we become complacent? Grand Rounds, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with C. Estabrooks, K. Hesketh) May 2001
1998 - 1986
Extended practice roster regulations - the impact for Medical Services Branch nurses, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. March 1998
English language competency assessment for foreign trained registered nurses, ESL Teachers Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 1997
Using process re-engineering to improve quality care. Invited paper presentation, The Institute for International Research Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. February 1994
Using process re-engineering to improve quality care. Invited paper presentation, The Institute for International Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. August 1993
Quality assurance, accreditation and nursing standards, 海角社区 Hospitals School of Nursing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. April 1988
Laundry and Linen Services - Investing in Customers, Alberta Hospital Association Teleconference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. February 1988
Staffing methodologies - parts I & II. Alberta Hospital Association Teleconference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (with D. Armann-Hutton) April 1987
Roles of the first line manager within an accountability based model of nursing practice. Keynote Address, Royal Alexandra Hospitals, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. December 1986