Peer-Reviewed 2010-2008

Peer Reviewed 2010-2008

*Students are underlined

Estabrooks CA, Morgan D, Squires J, Bostrom AM, Slaughter S, Cummings GG. The Resident Care Unit in Nursing Home Research. Oral Presentation. Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, QC. Dec 2 - 4, 2010.

Cobban S, Estabrooks CA, Clovis J, Cummings GG, Hayduk L. A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Oral Health of Elderly in Long-Term Care. Poster Presentation. Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, QC. Dec 2 - 4, 2010.

Bostrom AM, Cummings GG, Kolewaski B, Estabrooks CA. Systematic Review of Reviews on Instruments Measuring Quality of Life for Older Adults with Dementia. Oral presentation. Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, QC. Dec 2 - 4, 2010.

Cummings GG, Reid C, Keating N, Konnert J, Estabrooks CA, Norton PG, Wagg A, OPTIC team. Older Persons Transitions in Care - The OPTIC Study. Poster presentation. Canadian Association of Gerontology, Montreal, QC. Dec 2-4, 2010.

Cummings GG, Reid C, Keating N, Konnert J, Estabrooks CA, Norton PG, Wagg A, OPTIC team. Older Persons Transitions in Care - The OPTIC Study. Poster presentation. Transitions across the Continuum of Care. 63rdAnnual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Nov 19-23, 2010.

Yamada J, Stevens B, Harrison D, Abbot L, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Management of acute procedural pain in hospitalized children across Canada. Conquering the Hurt, Toronto, Ontario. November 4, 2010.

Wagner J, Cummings GG, Olson J, Smith D, Warren S. Alberta RN's perceptions of spirit at work, resonant leadership and workplace empowerment within their workplace. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Wagner J, Cumming GG, Olson J, Smith D, Warren S. Developing a healthy workplace model. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Hutchinson A, Mallidou A, Toth F, Cummings GG, Schalm C, Estabrooks C, Forgeron J, Boyce M. Do characteristics of organizations influence knowledge translation? A systematic review. Poster Presentation. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Hutchinson A Mallidou A, Toth F, Cummings GG, Schalm C, Estabrooks C. Do characteristics of organizations influence knowledge translation? A systematic review. Poster Presentation. Cabrini Research Institute Research Day, Victoria Australia. October 2010.

2010 Best poster award

Mallidou A, Cummings GG, Schalm C, Estabrooks CA. How healthcare aides spend their time in nursing homes: A pilot study. Poster Presentation. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Cranley LA, Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Cummings GG, Barnard D, Clark C. SCOPE: Safer Care for Older Persons (in Residential) Environments: A Knowledge Translation Intervention Study. Poster Presentation. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Cranley LA, Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Profetto-McGrath J, Clark C, Toth F, MacGregor T. The Influence of Facilitation on Knowledge Translation: A Scoping Review. Poster Presentation. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. October 22, 2010.

Stevens B, Barwick M, Campbell F, Harrison D, Chambers C, Yamada J, Cummings G, Abbott L, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Spreading the Word: The Use of Webinars to Translate Knowledge on Paediatric Pain across Canada and Around the World. Poster presentation. CAPHC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, MB. Oct 17-20, 2010.

Moore K, Olson K, Cummings GG, Aluwihar-Samaranayak D. Planning a fatigue clinic for colorectal cancer patients. Poster presentation. 2nd International Cancer Fatigue Symposium, Montreal, QC, Oct 3-4, 2010.

Yamada J, Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Management of acute procedural pain in hospitalized children across Canada. Poster presentation. IASP 13th World Congress on Pain, Montr茅al, QC. August 29 - Sept 2, 2010.

Cummings GG, Yurtseven O, Muise M, Norton P, Estabrooks CA, Harley D. Taking 'Care' of Yourself and Others: Psychometrics of the Resonant Leadership Scale in Healthcare. Paper presentation. Dare to Care, Academy of Management Conference, 2010, Montreal, QC. August 6-10, 2010.

Minnie K, van der Walt C, Klopper H, Cummings GG. Systematic or integrative review as research project for graduate study. 21st International Nursing Research Congress: Global Diversity through Research, Education and Evidence-Based Practice, Orlando, FLD USA. July 2010.

Stacey D, McVeety J, Carley M, Macartney G and COSTaRS Steering Committee. Using the CAN-ADAPTE methodology to adapt guidelines for the pan-Canadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support (COSTaRS) project. University of Ottawa /Tau Gamma International Clinical Nursing Research Conference, Ottawa, CA. June 2010.

Bernardes A, GG Cummings. The process of implementation of the Collective and Decentralized Management Model in a public hospital in the state of S茫o Paulo, Brazil. Poster presentation. 2010 Thinking Qualitatively Conference, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. June 24, 2010.

Rashotte J, Yamada J, Harrison D, Cohen J, Coburn G, Abbott L, Stevens B, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Health professionals use of acute pain assessment narrative notations in hospitalized children. Poster presentation. International Clinical Nursing Research Conference - University of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Chapter, Ottawa, ON. June 14-16, 2010.

Cranley LA, Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Cummings GG. Safer care for older persons (in residential) environments (SCOPE): A knowledge translation study. Poster presentation. Knowledge Utilization Colloquium, Halifax, NS. June 10-11, 2010.

Yamada J, Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Usefulness of knowledge translation strategies to improve paediatric pain practices in the EPIQ intervention. Poster presentation. Knowledge Utilization Colloquium, Halifax, NS. June 10-11, 2010.

Hutchinson AM, Mallidou A, Toth F, Cummings GG, Schalm C, Estabrooks CA. Do characteristics of organizations influence knowledge translation? A systematic review. Poster presentation. Knowledge Utilization Colloquium; Halifax, NS. June 10-11, 2010.

Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Squires J, Norton P. A program of research on the impact of organizational context on knowledge translation and patient outcomes. Poster presentation. Knowledge Utilization Colloquium, Halifax, NS. June 10-11, 2010.

Estabrooks CA, Squires J, Cummings GG, Birdsell JM, Hayduk L, Midodzi, W, Norton, P. The Alberta context tool (ACT): Development and validation of an instrument to measure organizational context. Poster presentation. Knowledge Utilization Colloquium, Halifax, NS. June 10-11, 2010.

Currie LG, Gellatly IR, & Cummings G. Foci of identification in organizations: An examination of internal and external relations. Paper presentation, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Regina, SK. May 22-25, 2010.

Rashotte J, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Narrative notations by health professionals regarding acute pain assessment in hospitalized children. Poster presentation. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference, Calgary, AB. May 12-15 2010.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. The use of knowledge translation strategies within continuous quality improvement rapid cycles to improve paediatric pain practices. Poster presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. May 1-4, 2010.

Stevens B, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. A tailored quality improvement approach to enhancing pediatric pain practices in Canadian hospitals. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, Nice, France. April 20-23, 2010.

Tourangeau AE, Cummings GG, Cranley L. Re-evaluation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey. Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Glendale, AZ. April 2010.

Tourangeau AE, Squires M, Cummings GG, Cranley L. Work Situations And Hospital Nurse Intention To Remain Employed, Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Glendale, AZ. April 2010.

Mallidou A, Hutchison A, Toth F, Cummings GG, Schalm C, Estabrooks CA. The Influence of Organizational Characteristics on Knowledge Translation in Healthcare: A Systematic Review. Canadian Health Services, Policy & Research Conference, Vancouver, BC. March 2010.

Knopp-Sihota J, Newburn-Cook C, Cummings GG. Calcitonin for treating acute and chronic pain of recent and remote osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical osteoporosis 2010: an International Society for Clinical Densitometry and National Osteoporosis Foundation (ISCD-NOF) symposium. San Antonio, TX. March 2010.

Bryant-Lukosius DE, Aranda S, Bakker D, Corner J, Cummings GG., Green E, Ranford J, Wiernikowski J. A national strategy for the effective introduction of advanced Practice nursing roles in cancer control. 16thInternational Cancer Care Nursing Conference, Atlanta, GA. March 7-11, 2010.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Frequency and management of painful procedures in hospitalized children across Canada. Poster presentation. 8th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Acapulco, Mexico. March 7, 2010.

Cummings GG, Kirk C, Wong C, Doyle C, Bradish G. An innovative model of care for ambulatory oncology nursing. 16th International Cancer Care Nursing Conference, Atlanta, GA. March 7-11, 2010.

Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Slaughter S. Mallidou A, Cummings GG. Degner L, Morgan D. Nursing Home Context Associated with Professional Nurse Job Satisfaction. Canadian Association of Gerontology. Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting. Winnipeg MB. Oct 22-24, 2009.

Miller K, Cummings GG. Who Will Be the Nurses of the Future? 23rd Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton AB. October 23, 2009.

Hutchinson A, Cummings GG, et al. Context and Research use in the Management of Pain In Children. 23rdAnnual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton AB. October 23, 2009.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Translating research on pain in children: Use of evidence summaries. Poster presentation. CAPHC Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS. Oct 18-21, 2009.

Stevens B, Campbell F, Finley GA, Latimer M, Johnston C, Rosmus C, LeMay S, Rashotte J, Cohen J, Sawatzky-Dickson D, Scott S, Synnes A, Warnock F, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Translating research on pain in children: Use of evidence summaries. Poster presentation. CAPHC Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS. Oct 18 - 21 2009.

Wong CA, Laschinger HK, & Cummings GG. The influence of authentic leadership on nurses' trust and perceptions of care quality. The 2009 International Nursing Administration Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. Oct 14-16, 2009.

Estabrooks CA, Norton PG, Squires JE, Hutchinson AM, Cummings GG, Bostr枚m A-M. Exploring the role of organizational context in the use of new knowledge by healthcare aides in nursing homes: Implications for quality of care. ISQUA. Dublin. October 2009.

Cummings GG, Kirk C, Wong C, Bradish G, Doyle C. An innovative model of care for ambulatory oncology nursing. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference. Montreal, QE. October 2009.

Spiers J, Cummings GG, Lee H, Langenhoff P, Sharlow J. But We Can't Go Back: The Effect of Raising Expectations Through Organizational Leadership Development: Consequences of Failure to Follow Through. Oral Presentation. 2009 Qualitative Research Conference, Vancouver, BC. October 2009.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Current paediatric pain assessment practices in Canada.Poster presentation. Pain in Europe VI: 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), Lisbon, Portugal. Sept 9-12, 2009.

Spiers J, Cummings GG, Langenhoff P, Sharlow J. Enhancing Leadership Practices One Step at a Time: The Influence of a Leadership Development Initiative on Individual, Team, and Organization. 12th International QMOD and Toulon-Verona Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (ICQSS), Verona, Italy. September 2009.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Langenhoff P, Sharlow J. The WILD Study: Worklife Improvement and Leadership Development. Oral Presentation. 2009 Academy of Management Conference. Chicago, ILL. August 2009.

Norton P, Estabrooks CA, Slaughter S, Bostr枚m A-M, Squires JE, Cummings G, Morgan D, Degner L, Dopson S, Stewart N, Rycroft-Malone J, Teare G, Health of Health Care Aides in Residential Long-Term Care. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. July 5-9, 2009.

Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Bostr枚m A-M, Slaughter S, Squires JE, Cummings G, Morgan D, Degner L, Rycroft-Malone J, Teare G, Dopson S, Stewart N. Organizational Context and the Uptake of Best Practices in Long-Term Care Facilities. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. July 5-9, 2009.

Harrison D, Hutchinson A, Stevens B, Estabrooks C, Yamada J, Latimer M, Cummings GG, Scott S, Kang S. Is there a relationship between nurses' use of evidence-based pediatric pain assessment tools and characteristics of organizational context? Poster Presentation. Knowledge Utilization Conference and Colloquia, Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom. June 24 - 26, 2009.

Hutchinson AM, Squires J, Estabrooks C, Cummings GG, Norton P. Do Organizational Context and Interprofessional Interaction Influence Research Use? Poster Presentation. Knowledge Utilization Conference and Colloquia, Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom. June 24 - 26, 2009.

Yamada J, Stevens B, Harrison D, Campbell F, Chambers CT, Cummings GG, Finley GA, Latimer M, Johnston C, Kavanagh T, Stinson J, Taddio A, Gill N, Holt J, Abbott L, CIHR Team in Children's Pain.Integrating local and research evidence to inform and support health professionals' pediatric pain practice changes. Poster Presentation. Knowledge Utilization Conference and Colloquia, Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom. June 23 - 26, 2009.

Cobban S, Estabrooks C, Clovis J, Cummings GG, Hayduk L. (2009) Strategies for Improving Oral Health in Long-Term Care: Establishing the Evidence Base. Poster Presentation. Knowledge Utilization Conference and Colloquia, Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom. June 24 - 26, 2009.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Knowledge Translation: Lessons Learned from the CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Plenary session. 29th Annual CPS Conference: Pain-Translating Science into Care, Qu茅bec City, QC. May 27-30, 2009.

Yamada J, Stevens B, Watt-Watson J, Sidani S, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Evaluating the process of implementing multidimensional knowledge translation strategies. Poster presentation. CPS Meeting, Qu茅bec City, QC. May 27-30, 2009.

Stevens B, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Implementing multidimensional knowledge translation strategies to enhance pain practices in paediatric hospitals in Canada. Poster presentation. Canadian Pediatric Society Meeting, Qu茅bec City. May 2009.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Management of acute procedural pain in hospitalized Canadian children. Oral presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. May 2009.

Cummings GG, Midodzi W, Wong C, Estabrooks C. Nursing leadership styles and 30-day hospital mortality: A multilevel analysis. Poster presentation. 2009 National Healthcare Leadership Conference (NHLC), St John's NFD. May 2009.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Langenhoff P, Sharlow J. The WILD Study: Worklife Improvement and Leadership Development. Oral Presentation. 2009 National Healthcare Leadership Conference (NHLC), St John's NFD. May 2009.

Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Degner L, Teare G, Morgan D, Sales AE, Cummings G, Menec V. Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC): A five year program of research. The Gerontological Society of America 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, National Harbour, MD, Nov 21-25, 2008.

Tourangeau A, Cummings GG, Cranley L. Emerging Theory of Determinants of Nurse Intention to Remain Employed. Oral Presentation. Joanna Briggs Conference, Cordoba, Spain. Nov 12-15, 2008.

Tourangeau A, Cummings GG, Cranley L, Pachis J. Back to Basics: Determinants of nurse intention to remain employed. (Concurrent Paper) Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Nov 5-7, 2008.

Squires JE, Hutchinson AM, Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Cummings G, Birdsell J, Newton MS. The Alberta Context Tool: An instrument to measure organizational context. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB, October 22, 2008.

Cummings GG, Midodzi WK, Wong C, Estabrooks CA. A multilevel analysis of the impact of hospital nursing leadership styles on 30-day mortality. Oral Presentation. 2008 ISQUA meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. October 22, 2008.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Paediatric pain management strategies across Canada: Findings from the CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Poster presentation. CAPHC Annual Meeting, Edmonton, AB. Oct 19-22 2008.

2008 CAPHC Poster Finalist.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Variability of acute procedural pain practices in 8 Canadian paediatric health care centres. Poster presentation. International Forum on Pediatric Pain, White Point Beach, Nova Scotia. Oct 2-5 2008.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Variability of acute procedural pain practices in 8 Canadian paediatric health care centres. Poster presentation: 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatrics; Nice, France. October 2008.

Wong C, Cummings GG, Hayduk L. The influence of authentic leadership behaviours on trust and work outcomes of healthcare staff. Oral Presentation. 2008 State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research, Washington, DC. October 1, 2008.

Cummings GG, Midodzi WK, Wong C, Estabrooks CA. A multilevel analysis of the impact of hospital nursing leadership styles on 30-day mortality. Oral Presentation. 2008 State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research, Washington, DC. October 1, 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Biondo P. Bibliometric Review (Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale). Poster Presentation. CANO Conference, St John's, NFD. September 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Armijo-Olivo S, Chizawsky L, Connors A, Biondo P. Effectiveness of Knowledge Translation Interventions to Improve Cancer Pain Management: A Systematic Review. Oral presentation. CANO Conference, St John's, NFD. September 2008.

Stevens B, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Variability in pain assessment and management practices across Canadian paediatric health care centres. Poster presentation. IASP 12th World Congress on Pain; Glasgow, Scotland. August 17-22 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Armijo-Olivo S, Chizawsky L, Connors A, Biondo P. Effectiveness of Knowledge Translation Interventions to Improve Cancer Pain Management: A Systematic Review. Oral presentation. 15th International Cancer Care Conference, Singapore. August 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Biondo P. Bibliometric Review (Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale). Poster Presentation. 15th International Cancer Care Conference, Singapore. August 2008.

Cummings GG, Midodzi WK, Wong C, Estabrooks CA. A multilevel analysis of the impact of hospital nursing leadership styles on 30-day mortality. 2008 Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA. August 12, 2008.

Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Sales A, Norton P. Translating Research in Elder Care: A 5-year Program of Research. 2008 Canadian RAI Conference, Edmonton, AB. May 28, 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Biondo P. Bibliometric Review (Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale). Poster Presentation. EAPC Research Forum 2008, Trondheim, Norway. May 2008.

Cummings GG, Hagen NA, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Armijo-Olivo S, Chizawsky L, Connors A, Biondo P. Effectiveness of Knowledge Translation Interventions to Improve Cancer Pain Management: A Systematic Review. Oral presentation. EAPC Research Forum 2008, Trondheim, Norway. May 2008.