Peer-Reviewed 2007 and Earlier

Peer Reviewed 2007-earlier

*Students are underlined

Wagner J, Warren S, Cummings GG, May L, Olson J, Smith D. Spirit at Work, Work Empowerment and Resonant Leadership. Canadian Association of Gerontology, Calgary, AB. November 2007.

Stevens B, CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Translating research on pain in children. The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute Scientific Retreat, Toronto, Ontario. November 26, 2007.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Translating research on pain in children. Poster presentation. CAPHC 2007 Annual Meeting, Montr茅al, QC. Oct 14-17 2007.

2007 Honorable Mention Poster Award

Cummings GG, Hagen N, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Olivo SA, Lucarotti A, Chizawsky L, Dhaubhadel R. Implementation of best practice guidelines for oncology pain management: A systematic review. Edmonton Palliative Care Conference, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Estabrooks C, Cummings GG, Profetto-McGrath J, Sales A, Squires J, Brooker S. The Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC) Program. Poster Presentation. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Mill J, Richter S, Cummings GG, Kipp W, Groft J. Nurses' Roles in HIV Policy Development in Sub-Saharan and the Caribbean. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Bulmer-Smith K, Profetto-McGrath J & Cummings GG. Emotional Intelligence & Nursing: An Integrative Literature Review. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Lee H & Cummings GG. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Front Line Nurse managers: A Systematic Review. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Wagner J, Warren S, Cummings GG, May L, Olson J, Smith D. Spirit at Work, Work Empowerment and Resonant Leadership. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Wong C & Cummings GG. The Influence of Authentic Leadership Behaviour on Work Outcomes of Healthcare Staff. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Estabrooks C, Squires J, Norton P, Cummings GG. et al. The Alberta Context Text (ACT): Development and Psychometric Testing. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Squires J, Estabrooks C, Norton P, Cummings GG. et al. Modeling the Organizational Determinants of Research Utilization among Healthcare Providers in Alberta. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Zdebiak M, Estabrooks C, Norton P, Cummings GG. et al. A Descriptive Profile of Research Users in Alberta. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2007.

Tourangeau AE, Cranley L, Cummings GG. Broadening our Understanding of Determinants of Nurse Intention to Remain Employed through Focus Groups. Oral Presentation. Nursing Leaders: Architects Designing the Future.International Nursing Administration Research Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. October 2007.

Cummings GG, Olson K, Bakker D, Fitch M, Green E, Butler L Modeling Nurses' Views Over Time On Factors That Influence Satisfaction With Oncology Nursing. Poster Presentation. Nursing Leaders: Architects Designing the Future. International Nursing Administration Research Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. October 2007.

Cummings GG, Olson K, Bakker D, Fitch M, Green E, Butler L Modeling Nurses' Views Over Time On Factors That Influence Satisfaction With Oncology Nursing. Oral Presentation. Using Hearts, Minds and Voices: Oncology Nurses Influencing Cancer Care. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Vancouver, BC. October 2007.

Bakker D, Cummings GG, Olson K, Fitch M, Green E, Butler L, Conlon M. Using Hearts, Minds & Voices to Influence Recruitment & Retention in Oncology Nursing. Oral Presentation. Using Hearts, Minds and Voices: Oncology Nurses Influencing Cancer Care. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Vancouver, BC. October 2007.

Cummings GE, Cummings GG, Hayduk L Using structural equation modeling to test the effectiveness of regional trauma systems for rural trauma patients. 4th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Sorrento, Italy. September 2007.

Cummings GG, Hagen N, Fainsinger R, Stiles C, Olivo SA, Lucarotti A, Chizawsky L, Dhaubhadel R. Implementation of best practice guidelines for oncology pain management: A systematic review. KU07, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2007.

Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Degner L, Dopson S, Laschinger H, McGilton K, Morgan D, Norton P, Profetto-McGrath J, Rycroft-Malone J, Sales A, Smith M, Stewart N, Teare G, Squires J. Translating Research in Elder Care: A Five Year Program of Research. KU07, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2007.<

Estabrooks CA, Norton P, Cummings GG, Birdsell J, Newton M, Trimbee A, Eagle C, Lahey M, Squires J, Lovely J. Development and validation of an Instrument to Measure the Impact of Context on Research Utilization: The Alberta Context Tool (ACT). KU07, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2007.

Cummings GE, Cummings GG, Hayduk L. Using structural equation modeling to test the effectiveness of regional trauma systems for rural trauma patients. Department of Emergency Medicine Research Day, 海角社区, Edmonton, AB. June 2007.

Stevens B, et al., CIHR Team in Children's Pain. Translating research into best practice with vulnerable populations. Poster presentation. 8th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. February 22-23 2007.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P . The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice.Poster Presentation. Canadian Nurses Association National Leadership Conference, Ottawa, ON. February 2007.

Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Armijo-Olivo S, Squire J, Giblin G .Effects of shift length on health professionals' outcomes and quality of patient care: A systematic review. Poster Presentation. Canadian Nurses Association National Leadership Conference, Ottawa, ON. February 2007.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P . The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Poster Presentation. 2006 ACB Annual Research Meeting. Banff, AB. November 2006.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P . The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Poster Presentation. 2006 CIHR New Investigators Meeting. Toronto, ON. November 2006.

Langenhoff P, Bray C, Spiers J, Cummings GG. Multidisciplinary Leadership Development in Oncology Healthcare: A qualitative case study. Poster Presentation. Society of Research Administrators Conference, Quebec City, QC. October 2006.

Wong C, Cummings GG. The Relationship between Nursing Leadership and Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation. 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Estabrooks CA, Kenny DJ, Adewale A, Cummings GG, Mallidou A. Comparison Of Research Utilization In Canadian Civilian And American Army Healthcare Settings. Poster Presentation. 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Gruber D, Cummings GG. Systematic Literature Review: Relationship between Clinical Information Systems Implementation and System, User, Management or Patient Outcomes. Paper Presentation, 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Spiers J, Cummings GG, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P. Focus Group Interview results: The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Paper Presentation, 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Embleton M, Lee H, McGregor T, Paul LH,Stafford E, Cummings GG. The determinants and impact of Leadership on Health Outcomes. Paper Presentation, 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Stafford E, Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P. The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Paper Presentation, 20th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2006.

Bakker D, Fitch M, Green E, Butler L, Olson K, Cummings GG. Canadian Cancer Nurses' Views on Recruitment and Retention. 14th International Cancer Care Nursing Conference. Toronto, ON. September 2006.

Cummings GG, Olson K, Bakker D, Fitch M, Butler L, Green E, Conway M. Modeling Nurses' Views on Factors that Influence Satisfaction with Oncology Nursing. 14th International Cancer Care Nursing Conference, Toronto, ON. September 2006.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P. The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Poster Presentation. 14th International Cancer Care Nursing Conference, Toronto, ON. September 2006.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P. The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Poster Presentation. 1st Annual Canadian Association of Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Vancouver, BC. September 2006.

Hofmeyer A, Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Lovely JE, Chizawsky L. Social Capital Theory to Foster Knowledge Utilization. Poster Presentation. KU06, Minneapolis, MN. July 2006.

Cummings GG, Spiers J, Dussault B, Stafford E, Sharlow J, Langenhoff P. The WILD Study: Improving Worklife through Leadership Development in Communities of Practice. Poster Presentation. KU06, Minneapolis, MN. July 2006.

Armijo-Olivo S, Simpson N, Giblin C, Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA . Effects of Shift Work on Health Professionals' Health, Job Performance and Patient Care: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Poster Presentation. 19h Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2005.

Green E, Bakker D, Fitch M, Cummings GG, Butler L, Crooks D, Olson K, Sevean P, Saucier A, Bennett J. Charting the Course for Strategic Health Human Resources: Focus on Oncology Nursing Workforce. Poster Presentation. International Cancer Control Congress, Vancouver, BC. October 2005.

Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA, Midodzi W, Wallin L. Influence of Hospital Characteristics on Nurses' Research Use. National Nursing Administration Research Conference (NARC), Tuscan, AZ. October 2005.

Cummings GG, Midodzi WK, Estabrooks CA. Examining the Contribution of Leadership Styles to 30-day Patient Mortality in Alberta Hospitals. Nursing Administration Research Conference (NARC), Tuscan, AZ. October 2005.

Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA, Midodzi WK, Wallin L. Influence of Hospital Characteristics on Nurses' Research Use. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Moncton, NB. October 2005.

Cummings GG, Midodzi WK, Estabrooks CA. Examining the Contribution of Leadership Styles to 30-day Patient Mortality in Alberta Hospitals. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Moncton, NB. October 2005.

Bakker D, Conlon M, Olson K, Cummings GG, Butler L, Fitch M, Green E. Are There Quality Work Environments for Canadian Oncology Nurses? Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Conference, Moncton, NB. October 2005.

Winton T, Butts C, Scrimger R, Janzen H, Graham N, King C, Delorme T, Allen D, Hoeber M, Reinboldt D, Cummings GG . Northern Alberta Telehealth Lung Cancer Triage and Follow-up Clinic Experience. Canadian Surgery Forum. September 2005.

Winton T, Butts C, Scrimger R, Janzen H, Cummings GG, Hoeber M, King C, Delorme T, Allen D, Graham N, Reinboldt D . Impact of Telehealth in the Treatment of Lung Cancer, 8th Annual Canadian Society of Telehealth AGM, Winnipeg, MB. September 25-27, 2005.

Winton T, Butts C, Janzen H, Reiman T, Fields A, Cummings GG, Hoeber M, King C, Allen D, Scrimger R, Graham N, Reinbold DJ, O'Neill SK, Bexfield D . Criteria for Expansion and Integration of the Lung Cancer Triage and Follow - Up Clinic, Poster Presentation. 8th Annual Canadian Society of Telehealth AGM, Winnipeg, MB. September 25-27, 2005.

2005 Awarded 2nd place out of 26 posters.

Winton T, Butts C, Scrimger R, Janzen H, Cummings GG, Hoeber M, King C, Delorme T, Allen D, Graham N, Reinboldt D . Telehealth Lung Cancer Clinics: Specialized Oncology Services Closer to Home. IASTED, International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Banff, AB. July 2005.

Wall S, O'Leary K, Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG. Healthy Workplaces for Nurses: A Synthesis of Knowledge.Canadian Nursing Leadership Conference, Ottawa, ON. February 2005.

Estabrooks CA, Midodzi W, Cummings GG, Wallin L. Knowledge utilization and policy implementation (KUPI): An integrated CIHR funded research program. Symposium Presentation. 18th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2004.

Thungjaroenkul P, Kunaviktikul W, Cummings GG. Cost Analysis of Universal Coverage Policy: A Case of Northern Provincial Hospitals in Thailand. Paper Presentation. 18th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2004.

Estabrooks CA, Midodzi W, Cummings GG, Wallin L. Structural Analysis of the Effects of Organizational Processes On Individual Nurse Research Utilization and Patient Outcomes. Poster Presentation. 18h Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2004.

Cummings GG, Midodzi W, Estabrooks CA. Examining the impact of leadership styles on 30-day patient mortality in Alberta hospitals. 18th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2004.

Cummings GG, Bratland D, Puttergill J, Wong C. How has leadership been measured in the research literature? A systematic review. 18th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. October 2004.

Allen D, Butts C, Cummings GG, Delorme T, Gebran J, Graham N, Hoeber M, Janzen H, King C, Moreau M, Reinbold D, Winton T. Alberta Cancer Board / Capital Health, Joint Telehealth lung cancer triage & follow-up clinic. Canadian Society of Telehealth, Quebec City, QE. October 2004.

Cummings GG, McLennan M. Using Evidence-Based Thinking to Facilitate Change: The Role of Leadership.Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International, Dublin, Ireland. July 2004.

Cummings GG. Investing Relational Energy: Toward a Theory of How Resonant Leadership Mitigates the Effects of Hospital Restructuring. Poster Presentation. Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International, Dublin, Ireland. July 2004.

Cummings GG, Hayduk L, Estabrooks CA. How Many Indicators Does It Take To Measure a Concept? Poster Presentation. Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International, Dublin, Ireland. July 2004.

Cummings GG. How leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. 17th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. November 2003.

Cummings GG. How leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. Scientific Sessions, 37th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Toronto, ON. November 2003.

Cummings GG, Hayduk L, Estabrooks CA. Factor analysis or structural equation modeling? Theoretical and measurement implications of choosing your research method when studying nursing work environments. Poster Presentation. Scientific Sessions, 37th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Toronto, ON. November 2003.

Estabrooks CA, Midodzi W K, Cummings GG, Humphrey C, Ricker KL, Giovannetti P . Multilevel Analysis of Nursing-Related, Hospital-Level Factors on Patient Outcome in Alberta Acute Hospitals. Scientific Sessions, 37thBiennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Toronto, ON. November 2003.

Cummings GG.How leadership styles mitigate the effects of hospital restructuring on nurses. 5th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services, Washington, DC. September 2003.

Cummings GG, Hayduk L, Estabrooks CA. Factor Analysis or Structural Equation Modeling? Theoretical and Measurement Implications Of Your Research Method When Studying Nursing Work Environments. 5th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services, Washington, DC. September 2003.

Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA. Effects of hospital restructuring on individual nurses: a systematic review. 16thAnnual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. November 2002.

Cummings GG, Hayduk L . Factor analysis or structural equation modeling? Theoretical and measurement implications of choosing your research method when studying nursing work environments. 16th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. November 2002.

Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA. Foraging your way through the literature jungle: tools and techniques for completing a systematic literature review without losing your mind! 16th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. November 2002.

Estabrooks CA, Duncan S, Hesketh K, Cummings GG. Violence against nurses in the workplace: the (not-so) shocking statistics and what can be done. 15th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, AB. March 2001.

Olinyk G. Patient focused care redesign: Bringing a greater need for faculty/hospital collaboration. 1st Nursing Academic International Congress, Canberra, Australia. February 1994.

Olinyk G. Nurse/patient assignments - a complex but vital process. The 2nd Management of Nursing Practice Research Conference, Halifax, NS. February 1989.

Olinyk G, McLennan M. Joint project in clinical teaching and leadership. The Annual NRSAC Nursing Research Conference, Edmonton, AB. May 1987.

McLennan M, Olinyk G . Joint project in clinical teaching and leadership. Poster Presentation. The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of University Schools of Nursing National Research Conference, Hamilton, ON. June 1987.