Clinical Teaching Workshop

Clinical Teaching Part 1 - How to Maximize Teaching in our Busy World


The goal of this session is to help maximize clinical teaching in an environment that is just getting busier and busier.


By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe the characteristics of effective clinical teachers.
  • Discuss barriers to bedside teaching.
  • Explain 12 tips for effective bedside teaching and apply to sample situations.
  • Describe the One Minute Preceptor, Mini-CEX, and EPA Observations in terms of:
    • Their underlying principles
    • How to use them
    • What domains do they best address

Target audience

Both junior and more experienced faculty are welcome and no training in teaching is required to participate.

Clinical Teaching Part 2 - Advance Tips


The goal of this session is to build off the first session discussing the successes and pitfalls of applying the principles from session 1. This session will also tackle more difficult situations and objectives will be tailored to the needs of participants.


By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

  • Discuss more nuanced patient and/or learner situations (e.g. difficult patients,
    learner on remediation) and how to adapt to these.
  • Discuss how to incorporate Connect Care and virtual clinics into the teaching
  • Apply principles of feedback to a simulated scenario.
  • Describe effective coaching strategies for both episodic/short relationships and
    more longitudinal relationships with learners.
  • Critique the value of learners evaluating and how to use evaluation data to
    improve one’s teaching.

Target audience

Those who have taken the Clinical Teaching Part 1 (or feel they have
met these objectives through other means) and are interested in developing expertise in
more advanced situations.

Participants will need to do part 1 before part 2. This will be an interactive online

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form link below.