Deciding How to Decide Workshop


Many leaders come to their role with a variety of influences on their decision-making style – some feel that making unpopular or controversial decisions on their own is a way of supporting and shielding others, some feel that allowing all decisions to be made democratically by the grassroots is a way of empowering those they lead…and what research actually shows is…it depends. Having a framework for a full spectrum of decision-making models, from autocratic to delegated and everything in-between, can be useful for anyone who must make decisions on a regular basis. In one hour, we will name decision making styles and look at a model developed for leaders to determine the optimal style for any given situation, with time to practice in small groups.


  • Introduce the spectrum of decision-making styles, from fully autocratic to entirely delegated to a group.
  • Understand the situational components that indicate which decision-making style will lead to an optimal decision – one that maximizes both quality of decision and group commitment.
  • Practice applying the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model to participant examples

Target Audience

Any faculty member with decision making responsibilities for a team or larger group. Particularly: anyone who feels concerned about adequate “buy-in” from stakeholders, their own authority in executing change, and/or whether they are making the “right” or “best” decisions on behalf of the teams they lead.


This compact 1-hour online workshop will be presented by Ms. Shana Ross, faculty development consultant to the FoMD.

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form link below.