Selecting Research Inquiries, Methods + Approaches in Educational Research

Why It Matters + How to Do It?


Deciding on the research inquiry (e.g., quantitative research), method (e.g., cohort study), and approach (hybrid cohort study) stands as the cornerstone of any research endeavor. The complexity of these decisions often poses challenges for researchers, as indicated by both research findings and anecdotal experiences. This workshop is designed to empower participants with the knowledge needed to understand the process of selecting research inquiries, methods, and approaches in educational research. Participants will be able to understand this decision-making process, which includes the following steps: formulating a well-defined research questions, understanding the nature of the research question, and applying and assessing proper decisional criteria. Beyond fulfilling a research requirement, the thorough selection of research inquiries, methods, and approaches is critical to conduct and communicate high-quality research.


  1. Define research questions using proper frameworks
  2. Classify research questions based on their true nature
  3. Identify commonly used inquiries, methods, and approaches in educational research
  4. Properly assess and apply criteria for selecting research inquiries, methods, and approaches

Target Audience

Faculty members and graduate students doing or planning to do educational research. Those that would like to improve their understanding of educational research.


This 2-hour interactive online session is led by Dr. Arnaldo Perez Garcia.

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form link below.