Mentorship, Wellness and Professionalism Workshop


The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry strongly encourages mentorship in the professional development of faculty members.

The benefits to mentees are not the only benefits; mentors also reap rewards from providing guidance and support. Although mentorship implies a considerable commitment, mentoring young faculty members through their first few years of academic life can be extraordinarily satisfying, stimulating and rewarding.

Target audience

This online workshop is open to both prospective mentors and mentees.

  • As a junior faculty member we encourage you to have a mentor and this workshop will cover what to look for in a mentor and your role and responsibilities.
  • As a faculty member performing mentoring, this workshop covers primarily mentoring of faculty and provides an overview on supervision and mentoring of learners.

The mentorship program manual serves as background material on the program and what it can provide to participants. We will also reference the FEC Standards and Clinical Faculty Promotions Criteria.

In discussing Wellness, we will look at models of wellness, describe some important consequences of being unwell, identify warning signs that help may be required, and identify avenues of assistance.

For the Professionalism component, participants will discuss how to counsel and mentor a peer faculty member upon having received a professionalism concern. Mentors and mentees will go through scenarios highlighting approaches of support, reflection and possible actions/outcomes going forward.


This workshop is being presented by Dr. Manjula Gowrishankar, Dr. Robert Pauly and Dr. Penny Smyth.

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form link below