Peer-Consultation for Teaching Workshop
Peer observation of teaching with feedback is recognized as a valuable activity for the observer and the teacher by department chairs and the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Confidential feedback with actionable mutually agreed suggestions provided as a report by the observer are expected to improve teaching performance. The faculty member can include this report in their annual report and/or promotion and tenure for evaluation of teaching performance.
Peer Consultation for Teaching Program enables a teacher to act as a consultant to another and observe and provide feedback on teaching encounters to improve teaching skills/methods and learner experience.
This 3-hour interactive workshop is designed to promote understanding of the process of Peer-Consultation for Teaching in both clinical and class-room settings.
Objectives of this workshop include:
- Understanding the different domains of teaching.
- Understanding teaching and feedback frame works.
- Optimizing teaching with the use of a teaching/observation template.
- Using self-reflection following observation of a video of teaching on how to
- observe and provide feedback on teaching skills
- receive feedback on teaching skills
- jointly determine actionable items on improving teaching performance.
- Steps to becoming a peer-consultant if interested.
Target audience
Anyone who wants to learn skills to become a better teacher and/or peer-consultant for teaching.
This workshop is presented by , Director, Peer-Consultation for Teaching Program.
Dates and Registration
Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found in the registration form below.