Tenure and Promotion Workshop


This two-part workshop consists of:

  1. An online self-directed eClass course (1-2 hours).
  2. A facilitated Zoom discussion with workshop participants and members of the Faculty Evaluation Committee. To maximize the zoom discussion with FEC members, participants should review the material in eClass prior to the Zoom meeting (1.5 hours).


  • Undertake an individual self-reflection exercise on your current understanding of the Tenure & Promotion process.
  • Engage in a series of online eClass modules that identify what is required to successfully achieve promotion.
  • View videos of mock FEC processes, included to provide you with true-to-life examples of what actually occurs during FEC meetings.
  • Participate in an online discussion forum with other registrants and FEC members.


  1. Describe how an academic career evolves over time, beginning at recruitment.
  2. Describe the tenure and promotion process.
  3. Formulate a plan to achieve tenure and promotion success.
  4. Understand the documents needed for your tenure and promotion submission.

Target audiences

For faculty members evaluated by the FEC Standards
  • Assistant Professors.
  • Associate Professors – particularly new faculty members who may be
    unfamiliar with our FEC process – are also welcome to attend.

If you are a Clinical Faculty member and have questions related to promotion, please contact your department chair.

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form
link below.

In this 90 minute Q & A session, you will learn tips from FEC members (example, Department Chairs) on how to enhance your application for tenure. You will get more out of this session if you review the material on tenure and promotion e-Class beforehand. This session is for faculty members evaluated by the FEC Standards. These sessions are offered annually. Please click on the link below for dates and more information or contact fomdfdev@ualberta.ca for dates.

Sign in to eClass External  using your CCID

Enroll in the Tenure and Promotion Online course